Pollution Mapping Tool - Sources In Your Community
- Community Air Protection Program Resource Center
CARB has released an updated version of the Pollution Mapping Tool that includes emissions data for toxic air pollutants along with previously available criteria pollutants and greenhouse gases (GHG) from large facilities in California. Users can select facilities by a number of attributes such as name, location, or industrial sector; view their reported emissions using maps, charts and tabular formats; and download data for later use.
Launch Pollution Mapping Tool
Caveats about Using Data in the Tool for Comparative Analyses
The criteria, toxic and GHG pollutant emissions data presented in the tool are collected through different emissions reporting programs, each designed to meet specific goals. Therefore, users of the Pollution Mapping Tool must be aware of the differences in reporting requirements and other limitations of the available data. More Information
Oil and Gas Facilities
In most cases, facilities reporting GHG and criteria pollutant emissions have a one-to-one relationship between the two programs (i.e., a facility that reports GHGs under MRR corresponds exactly to the same facility that reports criteria pollutants into CARB's CEIDARS database). However, this is not the case for onshore oil and natural gas production (oil and gas) facilities, because the definition of what constitutes a facility differs between the two programs.
In CEIDARS, an oil and gas facility is defined as a discrete, contiguous operation often described by a lease name or a collection of Township/Range/Sections that can be tracked down to the square mile. On the other hand, under MRR, an onshore oil and gas facility is defined as all of a company's aggregated operations within a geologic basin, which may encompass multiple counties and operations. Because of this difference, most onshore oil and gas production facilities do not have a one-to-one relationship between CEIDARS and MRR data. CARB has developed a preliminary crosswalk to identify and associate CEIDARS oil and gas facilities to their respective MRR facilities. More Information