Technology and Fuels Assessments
The technology assessments evaluate the current state and projected development of mobile source technologies and fuels.
CARB staff, along with South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) staff have developed technology and fuels assessments for a variety of source categories, including:
- Trucks and Buses
- Transport Refrigeration Units (TRU)
- Locomotives
- Fuels – both conventional and alternative fuels
- Ocean-Going Vessels (OGV)
- Commercial Harbor Craft (CHC) (SCAQMD lead)
- Cargo Handling Equipment (CHE) and
- Aviation – including aircraft and ground support equipment.
For each technology, the assessment included a description of the technology, its suitability in different applications, and emissions levels.
These technology and fuels assessments support CARB planning and regulatory efforts, including:
- Sustainable Freight Action Plan
- State Implementation Plans
- 2020 Mobile Source Strategy
- 2016 Mobile Source Strategy
- Funding Plans
- Governor’s Zero-Emission Vehicle Action Plan and
- Governor’s Petroleum Reduction Goals.
Technology and Fuels Assessment Reports
View the Draft Truck and Bus Sector Description for supporting information.
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