Program Overview
California Assembly Bill 423 (AB 423, Gloria) states “This bill, no later than June 1, 2021, would require the State Air Resources Board to complete a program audit of the San Diego air district for the years 2013 through 2018.” To meet the requirements of AB 423 CARB will evaluate the functioning of key district programs put in place to protect public health, and look for areas for potential improvement by the district. The review will focus in many different project areas including Emissions Inventories and Toxics, New Source Review and Permitting, Prohibitory Rules and BARCT requirements, Enforcement, Air Monitoring, Incentives, Statistical Comparisons. CARB Staff will assess San Diego APCD’s practices in these program areas, and compare the SDAPCD program, policies, and regulations to those at other California Districts, as well as CARB recommended practices.
Staff will rely on four methods for this review:
- Evaluation of specific facilities in San Diego and other air districts
- Evaluation of specific program, policy, and regulatory documents in the San Diego air district, and comparison to similar documents in multiple air districts
- Data collection from San Diego and comparison between air districts
- Cross-link to activities or areas of focus in the District’s AB617 community