DOORS Resources
The Off-Road Diesel (ORD) regulation requires reporting to the California Air Resources Board. DOORS is the online tool set up to help vehicle owners report vehicle inventories and actions taken to reduce vehicle emissions. Use the following user guides and forms for diesel vehicles reported in the off-road diesel side of DOORS.
ORD Reporting Userguides
General Reporting
- Completing Initial Reporting
- Updating DOORS Log-In and Contact Information
- Updating Fleet Information
- Reporting Retired or Sold Vehicles
Special Designations and Reporting
- Reporting Low-Use Vehicles
- Reporting Fleet Portions or Multiple Fleets
- Reporting Publicly Funded Vehicles
- Reporting Rental Vehicles
- Reporting Repowered Vehicles
- Reporting VDECS Removals
- Reporting Special Vehicle Designations
- Reporting Vehicles with Non-Standard or Non-Diesel Engines
Annual Reporting
- Reporting with Missing Information
- Viewing EINs and Print or Export Vehicle and Engine Data
- Looking up DOORS public information
ORD Reporting Change Requests
- Modifying Parent Fleet Assignments: Use this form to add a parent fleet, choose a different parent fleet due to a change in common ownership or control, or split your fleet into fleet portions.
- Changing Contact Information: Use this form to request changes to your fleet's contact information, including a request for a new username/password.
- Transfering of Ownership for a Fleet or Fleet Portion: Use this form to transfer ownership of a fleet or fleet portion in DOORS (i.e., after purchase/acquisition of a fleet or fleet portion).
- Adding a Vehicle with an Existing EIN: Use this form to request to add a vehicle with an existing EIN to your fleet when the previous owner has not sold the vehicle in DOORS.
- Vehicle/Engine Information of Previously Reported Vehicles: Use this form to request changes to vehicle or engine information originally reported by a previous owner (i.e., the vehicle was purchased with an existing EIN, but some of the vehicle or engine information is incorrect).
ORD Annual Reporting Forms
- Responsible Official Affirmation of Reporting (ROAR): Required for large fleets beginning in 2012, for medium fleets beginning in 2016, and for small fleets beginning in 2018. Must be completed and submitted to CARB by March 1st each year annual reporting is required.
- Renewable Diesel Use Affirmation: Beginning January 1, 2024, in each year that annual reporting is required, a fleet shall submit to CARB an affirmation signed by its responsible official or designated official that the fleet complied with the renewable diesel requirements outlined in section 2449.1(f).
- Designated Official: The Responsible Official will use this form to designate a person to be responsible for signing the ROAR and/or other forms required under the Off-Road Regulation.
- Hour Meter Reading Log for Designated Low-Use Vehicles Operated Inside and Outside of California: Required for large fleets beginning March 1, 2012 for vehicles designated as low-use that operate both inside and outside of California.
- Hour Meter Reading Log for Vehicles Designated as Agricultural: Required for large fleets beginning March 1, 2012 for vehicles designated as agricultural (used for agricultural purposes 51-99% of the time).
ORD Hardcopy Reporting Forms
The following forms may be required if reporting in the DOORS online reporting system is not possible.
- Reporting Verified Diesel Emission Control Strategies: This form must be submitted if a fleet has installed Verified Diesel Emission Control Strategies (VDECS), exhaust retrofits verified by CARB.
- Owner Information: This form must be submitted to complete the initial reporting requirements of the Regulation for In-Use Off-Road Diesel-Fueled Fleets.
- Vehicle and Engine Information: This form must be submitted to complete the initial reporting requirements of the Regulation for In-Use Off-Road Diesel-Fueled Fleets.
- Reporting Low-Use Hours: This form must be submitted to complete the annual reporting requirements for use of the low-use designation under the Regulation for In-Use Off-Road Diesel-Fueled Fleets.
- Non-Diesel or Non-Standard Engines: This form must be submitted if a fleet has vehicles with on-road engines that are subject to the Off-Road Regulation, vehicles with engines that were rebuilt to a more stringent emissions standard, or if a fleet wants to receive compliance credit for non-diesel vehicles that replaced diesel vehicles.
- Funded Vehicles: This form must be submitted if a fleet has vehicles, engines, or VDECS that were funded through an incentive program (such as the Carl Moyer, SOON, or other incentive program) and are still under contract.
- Repowered Vehicles: This form must be submitted if a fleet has replaced the engine in an off-road vehicle with a cleaner engine (i.e. “repowered” the vehicle), and wants to claim compliance credit for the repower.
ORD Reporting Training Videos
- Creating a DOORS Account | en Español
- DOORS Reporting Actions
- DOORS Annual Reporting and Submitting the ROAR
- DOORS Annual Reporting and Submitting the e-ROAR | en Español
- Creating a LSI fleet in you DOORS Account | en Español
- Updating DOORS Login or Contact Information
Large Spark-Ignition (LSI)
The Large Spark-Ignition(LSI) Engine Regulation requires reporting to the California Air Resources Board. DOORS is the online tool set up to help vehicle owners report vehicle inventories and actions taken to reduce vehicle emissions. Use the following userguides and forms for LSI vehicles reported in the LSI side of DOORS.
LSI Reporting Userguides
- Submitting an LSI Annual Attestation
- Completing Initial Reporting
- Reporting Equipment with Missing Information
- Reporting Rental Equipment
- Import Tool Spreadsheet
LSI Reporting Change Requests
- Contact Information: Use this form to request changes to your fleet's contact information, including a request for a new username/password.
- Adding Equipment with an Existing EIN: Use this form to request to add equipment with an existing EIN to your fleet if the previous owner has not sold the piece of equipment in DOORS.
- Equipment/Engine Information Changes for Previously Reported Equipment: Use this form to request to add equipment with an existing EIN to your fleet if the previous owner has not sold the piece of equipment in DOORS.
LSI Annual Reporting Forms
- Annual Reporting Attestation: An attestation must be submitted to CARB by June 30th of each year subsequent to the submittal of the Inital Report