Supplemental 2023/2024 LCFS Modeling Documentation
CARB received records requests related to the Staff Report: Initial Statement of Reasons (ISOR) released December 19, 2023 supporting Proposed Amendments to the Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) regulation. Documentation supporting the ISOR and responsive to these requests has been posted below. Additional documentation will be posted when available.
Underlying Data from ISOR Figures (3/7/24)
Modeling Input Sheets from ISOR
- Baseline Scenario (4/9/24)
- Proposed Scenario (4/9/24)
- EJAC Scenario (4/9/24)
- Accelerated Decarbonization Scenario (4/9/24)
- Alternative 1 (4/9/24)
- Alternative 2 (4/9/24)
Modeling Output Sheets from ISOR
- Baseline Scenario (4/9/24)
- Proposed Scenario (4/9/24)
- EJAC Scenario (4/9/24)
- Accelerated Decarbonization Scenario (4/9/24)
- Alternative 1 (4/9/24)
- Alternative 2 (4/9/24)
Air Quality Analysis Workbooks from ISOR
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Analysis Workbook from ISOR
New Technology Diesel Engines (NTDE) and Non-NTDE populations in ISOR modeling
Modeling Input Sheets from April 10, 2024 Workshop
- Updated Proposed Scenario with 5% step-down (4/9/24)
- Updated Proposed Scenario with 5% step-down and 2 AAM triggers (4/9/24)
- Updated Proposed Scenario with 7% step-down (4/9/24)
- Updated Proposed Scenario with 9% step-down (4/9/24)
Modeling Output Sheets from April 10, 2024 Workshop
- Updated Proposed Scenario with 5% step-down (4/9/24)
- Updated Proposed Scenario with 5% step-down and 2 AAM triggers (4/9/24)
- Updated Proposed Scenario with 7% step-down (4/9/24)
- Updated Proposed Scenario with 9% step-down (4/9/24)
Modeling Input Sheets from 15-day Package
- Baseline Scenario (8/12/24)
- Proposed Scenario (8/12/24)
- Uncertainty Scenario 1: Proposed Scenario with AAM trigger (8/12/24)
- Uncertainty Scenario 2: 75% ZEV Deployment (8/12/24)
- Uncertainty Scenario 3: Less Renewable Diesel (8/12/24)
- Uncertainty Scenario 4: 75% ZEV Deployment and Less Renewable Diesel (8/12/24)
Modeling Output Sheets from 15-day Package
- Baseline Scenario (8/12/24)
- Proposed Scenario (8/12/24)
- Uncertainty Scenario 1: Proposed Scenario with AAM trigger (8/12/24)
- Uncertainty Scenario 2: 75% ZEV Deployment (8/12/24)
- Uncertainty Scenario 3: Less Renewable Diesel (8/12/24)
- Uncertainty Scenario 4: 75% ZEV Deployment and Less Renewable Diesel (8/12/24)
Air Quality Analysis Workbook from 15-day Package
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Analysis Workbook from 15-day Package