Commercial Harbor Craft Factsheets
Staff have created the following resources to assist in understanding the amendments to the Commercial Harbor Craft Regulation.
2023 Amended Regulation Implementation Factsheets
- Alternative Control of Emissions (ACE) Plans Factsheet
- COMING SOON. Carl Moyer Funding for CHC
- CHC Vessel Outreach Flyer
- Commercial Passenger Fishing Vessels (CPFV)
- Compliance Fees Factsheet
- Compliance Extensions Factsheet
- Determining Disadvantages Communities Factsheet
- Facility Requirements Factsheet
- Funding Factsheet
- Implementation Timeline Factsheet
- Labeling Factsheet
- Low-Use Exception Factsheet
- Opacity Testing Factsheet
- Renewable Diesel Factsheet
- Reporting Requirements Factsheet
- Zero Emission and Advanced Technology (ZEAT) Credit Factsheet
- Zero Emission and Advanced Technology (ZEAT) Requirements Factsheet
For guidance on applying for these provisions, see the Application Templates.
Prior Factsheets and Other Documents
The following factsheets refer to the original 2008 CHC Regulation, the 2010 Amendments, or the 2022 rulemaking process. These factsheets are kept here for transparency and should not be considered accurate to the 2022 Amendments.
CHC Factsheet: Ferries (November 2021)
CHC Factsheet: Tugboats (Towing Vessels) (November 2021)
CHC Fact Sheet: Commercial Passenger Fishing (Sportfishing) Vessel (October 2021)
Proposed Amendments to the Commercial Harbor Craft Regulation (October 2021)
Funding Programs for Commercial Harbor Craft (September 2020) - see Funding Factsheet above for updated funding sources
CHC Rulemaking Process (April 2020)
Compliance Guidelines for CHC (February 2017)
Enforcement Advisory 310 (July 2016)
Overview of CHC Regulation (May 2016)
What Owner/Operators Need to Know (January 2014)
Commercial and Charter Fishing Factsheet (August 2008)
See the Regulation Language
Read the text of the regulation for the specific requirements you may need to meet. In the case of any discrepancy between posted factsheets and the regulation order, the regulation language applies.