Certified Tier 4 Marine Engines
The document linked below is compiled by CARB staff to provide commercial harbor craft owners/operators a resource of certified Tier 4 engines. CARB staff will make every effort to update this list regularly. It does not constitute an endorsement of the listed engines and is intended as a resource only.
Certified Tier 4 Marine and Marinized Non-Road Engines (Updated 10/10/2024)
CCDET IV Opacity Smoke Tester Vendor List
The document linked below is compiled by CARB staff to provide commercial harbor craft owners/operators a list of CCDET IV-certified CHC opacity testing vendors. CARB staff will make every effort to update this list regularly. It does not constitute an endorsement of the listed vendors and is intended as a resource only.
CCDET IV Opacity Smoke Tester Vendor List (Updated 12/17/2024)