IPI Notices related to the Carl Moyer Guidelines
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Quick resources:
Volume I 2017 Carl Moyer Program Guidelines (PDF) (Updated 06/20/2017)
PART 1 - CARL MOYER PROGRAM GUIDELINES: Program Overview, Program Administration, and Project Criteria
Chapter 1: Program Overview
Chapter 2: General Criteria
Chapter 3: Program Administration
- IPI Paperless RecordKeeping System (03/30/2023)
- IPI Rural Liaison Team (10/30/2020)
- IPI Remote Inspection Procedure (04/01/2020)
Chapter 4: On-Road Heavy-Duty Vehicles (PDF) (Updated 04/07/2022)
- IPI Reminder of Carl Moyer Program and On-Road Heavy-Duty Voucher Incentive Program Compliance Requirements with Regulations for On-Road Heavy-Duty (12/20/2023)
- IPI Clarification Regarding Carl Moyer Program On-Road Heavy-Duty Vehicle Replacement Certifications (08/04/2023)
- IPI Correction of Carl Moyer Program and Community Air Protection Program Guidance on AB 794 (05/22/2023)
- IPI Carl Moyer Program and Community Air Protection Program Guidance on AB 794 (03/07/2023)
- IPI Additional guidance for estimating annual usage for school buses impacted by school closures (10/14/2022)
- IPI Guidance for estimating annual usage for school buses impacted by school closures (08/25/2022)
- IPI Carl Moyer Program On-Road Guidance on Manufacture Delay Compliance Extension Option (04/08/2022)
- Sample Calculations (09/18/2018)
- Updates to On-Road Example Calculations (Updated 2/24/2022)
- IPI Guidance for HD Truck Advanced Technology Replacement for Carl Moyer (03/05/2021)
Chapter 5: Off-Road Equipment
Chapter 6: Locomotives
- IPI Moyer Locomotive Surplus Tables & Green Charts (10/10/2023)
Chapter 7: Marine Vessels (PDF) (Updated 09/20/2023)
- IPI Notice of Updates to the Carl Moyer Marine Chapter and Link to Available Marine Tier 4 Engines (09/25/2023)
- Tier 4 Engine list (10/11/2023)
Chapter 8: Light-Duty Vehicles
- MSC 21-2105 Revised Table 8-1 through Table 8-5 for Light Duty Emission Benefits Calculations (03/16/2021)
Chapter 9: Lawn and Garden Equipment Replacement (PDF) (Updated 03/06/2023)
Chapter 10: Infrastructure (PDF) (Updated 01/18/2023)
Appendix A: Acronyms
Appendix B: Definitions (PDF) (Updated 01/18/2023)
Appendix C: Cost-Effectiveness Calculation Methodology (PDF) (Updated 11/17/2022)
- IPI CE Changes Approved (Updated 12/22/2022)
Appendix D: Tables for Emission Reduction and Cost-Effectiveness Calculations
Appendix E: Chapter References
Volume II (PDF) (Updated 05/17/2017)
On-Road Voucher Incentive Program (PDF) (Updated 01/18/2023)
- On-Road Voucher Incentive Program
- IPI Reminder of Carl Moyer Program and On-Road Heavy-Duty Voucher Incentive Program Compliance Requirements with Regulations for On-Road Heavy-Duty (12/20/2023)
- IPI Guidance Regarding On-Road Heavy-Duty Voucher Incentive Program Replacements and Manufacturer Delays (11/14/2023)
- IPI Carl Moyer Program and Community Air Protection Program Guidance on AB 794 (03/07/2023)
- IPI Carl Moyer Program On-Road Guidance on Manufacture Delay Compliance Extension Option (04/08/2022)
Off-Road Voucher Incentive Program (PDF) (Updated 05/17/2017)
Other Carl Moyer Program Guidelines:
2011 Carl Moyer Guidelines (PDF) (04/28/2011)
Ended in 2023:
Carl Moyer Truck Improvement/Modernization Benefitting Emission Reductions Program (PDF) (09/15/2015)
- Truck and Bus Regulation Log Truck Phase-In option (12/18/2017)
- MSC 16-19 Amended Funding Table for the Carl Moyer Truck Improvement/Modernization Benefitting Emission Reductions (TIMBER) Program (12/16/2016)