Enforcement Data - Field Operations
To ensure compliance with CARB regulations and to protect the health of all Californians, staff perform field inspections and field audits of regulated entities. The first table below summarizes CARB’s field enforcement programs in six main areas with subprograms that correspond to different CARB regulations that are enforced: Marine Programs, Vehicles and Parts, Consumer Products, Fuels, Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) Program, and Cargo Tank. The table provides either total number of product samples tested (laboratory testing to ensure the product complies with CARB’s regulations) or inspections completed, as applicable. In addition, the table displays the number of citations and/or notice of violations (NOVs) issued as a result of these tests or inspections, the number of citations rescinded, compliant, no further action (NFA), or closed, and the total penalties assessed. For details on citations and NOVs by outcome, visit Enforcement Data Full Download.
The other tables provide additional statistics on heavy-duty diesel field program inspections, inspections in environmental justice communities, and vehicles screened with our Portable Emissions Acquisition System (PEAQS).
For more information on the programs and regulations listed, visit CARB’s website.