Enforcement Data - Compliance Summary
The table below shows compliance rates by program compiled from inspection data in EDVS. Compliance rates are provided for all inspections and for disadvantaged communities (DAC). These compliance rates do not incorporate information obtained through other avenues, such as in-use compliance testing, that may find noncompliance that cannot be identified through inspection. Compliance rates above 95% are considered high, rates between 85% and 95% are considered medium, and rates below 85% are considered low. The compliance numbers in the table below were compared against other CARB program estimates (e.g. EMFAC, in-use compliance, off-road, and regulatory teams), which confirmed the qualitative rating.
In addition to year-specific compliance, the tables below also include historical compliance over a range of years. In most cases compliance is estimated from data obtained up to 2015, however, some programs do not have data in certain years due to lack of inspections, a later start date to the program or when record keeping requirements were implemented. Compliance rates are provided for all inspections and for disadvantaged communities (DAC). These compliance rates do not incorporate information obtained through other avenues, such as in-use compliance testing, that may find noncompliance that cannot be identified through inspection. Compliance rates above 95% are considered high, rates between 85% and 95% are considered medium, and rates below 85% are considered low.