Offset Program Forms
- Compliance Offset Program
- Cap-and-Trade Program
- ARB Offset Credit Issuance
- Compliance Offset Protocols
- Forms
- Guidance
- Invalidation
- Offset Project Operators
- Offset Project Registries
- Offset Protocol Task Force
- Requirements for Tribes
- Verification
- Direct Environmental Benefits in the State (DEBS)
- Early Action Offset Credits
- Sector-Based Offset Credits
Instructions: Click below to download forms by topic area. Forms are occasionally revised. Please use the most recent version when submitting to ARB or an OPR.
Notice Regarding Attestations (February 2016)
Authorized Project Designee
Designation of Authorized Project Designee
Listing Forms
Application for Listing a Livestock Offset Project
Application for Listing a Mine Methane Capture Offset Project
Application for Listing an Ozone Depleting Substances Offset Project
Application for Listing a Rice Cultivation Offset Project
Applications for Listing a U.S. Forest Offset Project
Application for Listing a U.S. Forest Offset Project - Avoided Conversion
Application for Listing a U.S. Forest Offset Project - Improved Forest Management
Application for Listing a U.S. Forest Offset Project - Reforestation
Application for Listing an Urban Forest Offset Project
Reporting Forms
Livestock Offset Project Data Report
Mine Methane Capture Offset Project Data Reports
For Abandoned Underground Mines
Ozone Depleting Substances Offset Project Data Report
Rice Cultivation Offset Project Data Report (no form currently available)
U.S. Forest Offset Project Data Reports
The U.S. Forest forms are provided to assist in submitting the information required by the regulation and applicable Compliance Offset Protocol. When an OPO/APD uses Offset Project Data Report forms provided by ARB to submit this information, the OPO/APD must fill out both the Initial and Annual forms for the first report reporting period. All subsequent reporting periods require only the Annual form. The U.S. Forest reporting forms below were designed for the October 20, 2011 and November 14, 2014 protocols. U.S. Forest reporting forms for the June 25, 2015 protocol are not yet available.
Annual Reporting Period - All Project Types
Initial Reporting Period - Avoided Conversion
Initial Reporting Period - Improved Forest Management
Initial Reporting Period - Reforestation
Urban Forest Offset Project Data Report (no form currently available)
Offset Verification Forms
Evaluation of Conflict of Interest for Offset Projects
Notice of Offset Verification Services (NOVS)
DEBS Application Form
Application for Direct Environmental Benefits Status Form
Issuance of ARB Offset Credits
Request for Issuance of ARB Offset Credits
Caution: Please make sure to submit a CITSS ID number and not a CITSS account number on all required forms. The CITSS ID number is two letters followed by four numbers (e.g., CA1234). To protect account information, you should not submit any CITSS account number, which is a longer number. |
For questions or comments, contact Stephen Shelby at (916) 570-7953.