Compliance Offset Protocol Task Force
- Compliance Offset Program
- Cap-and-Trade Program
- ARB Offset Credit Issuance
- Compliance Offset Protocols
- Forms
- Guidance
- Invalidation
- Offset Project Operators
- Offset Project Registries
- Offset Protocol Task Force
- Requirements for Tribes
- Verification
- Direct Environmental Benefits in the State (DEBS)
- Early Action Offset Credits
- Sector-Based Offset Credits
Assembly Bill 398 (AB 398; Chapter 135, Statutes of 2017), in section 38591.1 of the California Health & Safety Code, requires the California Air Resources Board (CARB) to establish a Compliance Offsets Protocol Task Force (Task Force). The Task Force will provide guidance to CARB in establishing new offset protocols for the Cap-and-Trade Program with direct environmental benefits in the state while prioritizing disadvantaged communities, Native American or tribal lands, and rural and agricultural regions.
The Task Force will aid CARB in identifying potential new Compliance Offset Protocols for the Cap-and-Trade Program to generate compliance offset credits available for compliance use from 2021 through 2030, and specifically, protocols that have direct environmental benefits in California. The Board shall appoint members to the Task Force from the following stakeholder groups:
- Scientists
- Air pollution control and air quality management districts
- Carbon market experts
- Tribal representatives
- Environmental Justice advocates
- Labor and Workforce representatives
- Forestry experts
- Agriculture experts
- Environmental advocates
- Conservation advocates
- Dairy experts
CARB issued a solicitation on May 20, 2019, to constitute the Task Force. Applications were received for eight of the 11 statutory stakeholder groups plus the two public members. CARB is issuing a second solicitation seeking applications for the remaining three stakeholder groups: Environmental Justic advocates, Labor and Worforce representatives, and Envionmental advocates. Applicants should have expertise in the Board-approved compliance offset protocols, voluntary offset protocols, implementing projects to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, community advocacy and outreach, and represent one of the remaining three AB 398 stakeholder groups.
Task Force Members and Charter
On January 23, 2020 the Board adopted Resolution 20-5 formally approving the following Task Force membership and Charter:
Stakeholder Group | Name |
Scientists | Frank Mitloehner |
Air pollution control and air quality management districts | Bruce Springsteen |
Carbon market experts | Emily Warms |
Tribal representatives | Timothy Hayden |
Environmental justice advocates | Neil Tangri (resigned on February 8, 2021) |
Labor and workforce representatives | Antonio Sanchez |
Forestry experts | David Ford |
Agriculture experts | Robert Parkhurst |
Environmental advocates | Brian Nowicki (resigned on February 8, 2021) |
Conservation advocates | Constance Best |
Dairy experts | Jean-Pierre "J.P." Cativiela |
Public member (non-statutory) | Andrea Tuttle |
Public member (non-statutory) | Gavin McCabe |
Chair | Gavin McCabe |
Final Recommendations Report
Appendix D
- Item A - Climate Action Reserve PowerPoint presentation dated May 29, 2020
- Item B - Letter from American Carbon Registry dated July 31, 2020
- Item C - Letter from California Council of Land Trusts dated November 22, 2019
- Item D - Letter from California Forest Carbon Coalition dated July 10, 2020
- Item E - Email from Parhelion Underwriting Inc dated September 8, 2020
Draft Final Recommendations Report
Appendix D
- Item A - Climate Action Reserve PowerPoint presentation dated May 29, 2020
- Item B - Letter from American Carbon Registry dated July 31, 2020
- Item C - Letter from California Council of Land Trusts dated November 22, 2019
- Item D - Letter from California Forest Carbon Coalition dated July 10, 2020
- Item E - Email from Parhelion Underwriting Inc dated September 8, 2020
Initial Draft Recommendations Report
Chapter 3 Appendices
- Appendix A - Climate Action Reserve PowerPoint presentation dated May 29, 2020
- Appendix B - Letter from American Carbon Registry dated July 31, 2020
- Appendix C - Letter from California Council of Land Trusts dated November 22, 2019
- Appendix D - Letter from California Forest Carbon Coalition dated July 10, 2020
- Appendix E - Email from Parhelion Underwriting Inc dated September 8, 2020
Third Meeting
Date: March 2, 2021
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Location: Remote-only Meeting via Zoom
Third Meeting Documents
Second Meeting
Date: November 13, 2020
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Location: Remote-only Meeting via Zoom
Second Meeting Documents
First Meeting Documents
- Meeting Presentation
- Operating Procedures
- Task Force Member Resources
- Task Force Subgroups
- Meeting Summary
- Meeting Video Recording
Submitted Comments
Subgroup Documents
Template for Compliance Offsets Protocol Task Force Subgroup Reports
For questions or comments, contact Stephen Shelby at (916) 570-7953 or