Western Mojave Desert Air Quality Plans
- California State Implementation Plans
- Nonattainment Area Plans
- Butte County Air Quality Plans
- Eastern Kern Air Quality Plans
- Great Basin Unified APCD Air Quality Plans
- Imperial County Air Quality Plans
- Mariposa County APCD Air Quality Plans
- Northern Sierra AQMD Air Quality Plans
- Sacramento Region Air Quality Plans
- San Diego County Air Quality Plans
- San Francisco Bay Area Air Quality Plans
- San Joaquin Valley Air Quality Plans
- Santa Barbara County Air Quality Plans
- South Coast Air Quality Plans
- Ventura County Air Quality Plans
- Western Mojave Desert Air Quality Plans
- Statewide Efforts
- Nonattainment Area Plans
Recent and historical SIP activity for 8-hour ozone in the Western Mojave Desert and the former Southeast Desert Modified Air Quality Management nonattainment areas. The Western Mojave Desert Ozone Nonattainment Area consists of the Antelope Valley portion of Los Angeles County and the southwestern portion of San Bernardino County. The Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District (AVAQMD) has jurisdiction over the Los Angeles County portion, and the Mojave Desert Air Quality Management District (MDAQMD) has jurisdiction over all of San Bernadino County including the portion within the Western Mojave Desert Ozone Nonattainment Area.
- 2022 8-Hour Ozone SIP: Western Mojave Desert Nonattainment Area
- 2016 8-Hour Ozone SIP: Western Mojave Desert Nonattainment Area
- 2015 8-Hour Ozone Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) SIP Analysis: Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District
- 2015 8-Hour Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) SIP Analysis: Mojave Desert Air Quality Management District
- 2014 Updates to the 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standards SIPs: Coachella Valley and Western Mojave Desert 8-Hour Ozone Nonattainment Areas
- February 2008 Ozone Early Progress Plans
- 2007 Western Mojave Desert Ozone Attainment Plan
- 2004 Southeast Desert Modified Air Quality Maintenance Area Ozone Plan
- 1995 Mojave Desert Planning Area PM10 Attainment Plan