Statewide Efforts
Areas of the United States that are designated as Nonattainment for one or more National Ambient Air Quality Standards are required under the federal Clean Air Act to develop plans meeting specific requirements depending on the severity of the pollution problem. Under State law, the California Air Resources Board has the responsibility to develop SIP strategies for cars, trucks and other mobile sources, as well as consumer products; while local air districts are primarily responsible for controlling emissions from stationary sources.
Plans and corresponding documents developed by CARB for statewide efforts include the following:
- State SIP Strategy (2022, 2016, 2012, 2011, 2007, 2003, 1994)
- Mobile Source Strategy (2025, 2020, 2016)
- Statewide SIP Emissions Inventories
- Clean Fuels for Fleets SIP Certification
- Smog Check Performance Standard Modeling & Program Certification
- 2018 Updates to the California State Implementation Plan
- Infrastructure SIP
- Regional Haze
- California-Mexico Border Activities
- Statewide Windblown Dust
- California Smog Check Contingency Measure
CARB Regulatory submittals into the California SIP: