2007 State Strategy for California's State Implementation Plan (SIP) for Federal PM2.5 and 8-Hour Ozone Standards
California's 2007 State Implementation Plan (SIP) consists of a comprehensive State Strategy and local attainment plans. The State Strategy is designed to attain federal ozone and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) air quality standards through a combination of technically feasible, cost-effective measures, and new technologies. In combination with local actions, the State Strategy provides the emission reductions necessary to meet the 8-hour ozone standard in nonattainment areas in California. The State Strategy also provides reductions needed for PM2.5 attainment for the two nonattainment areas of South Coast and the San Joaquin Valley.
2011 Proposed 8-Hour Ozone State Implementation Plans Revisions and Technical Revisions to the PM2.5 State Implementation Plan Transportation Conformity Budgets for the South Coast and San Joaquin Valley Air Basins
On July 21, 2011, CARB approved SIP revisions limited to updating the CARB rulemaking calendar, adjustments to transportation conformity budgets, revisions to reasonable further progress tables and associated reductions for contingency purposes, and an update describing CARB's actions to identify advanced emission control technologies for the South Coast and the San Joaquin Valley. CARB also approved technical revisions to the PM2.5 SIP transportation conformity budgets for the South Coast and San Joaquin Valley.
- Plan Submittal Letter to U.S. EPA (July 29, 2011)
- Executive Order S-11-016 (July 29, 2011)
- Resolution 11-22 (July 21, 2011)
- Notice of Public Hearing (June 20, 2011)
- Proposed 8-Hour Ozone State Implementation Plans Revisions and Technical Revisions to the PM2.5 State Implementation Plan Transportation Conformity Budgets for the South Coast and San Joaquin Valley Air Basins
2011 Progress Report on Implementation of PM2.5 State Implementation Plans (SIP) for the South Coast and San Joaquin Valley Air Basins and Proposed SIP Revision
On April 28, 2011, CARB approved a progress report and proposed revisions to the California SIP for submittal to the U.S. EPA. ARB’s proposed PM2.5 SIP revisions are limited to an updated calendar of CARB rulemaking, adjustments to transportation conformity budgets, and revisions to reasonable further progress tables and associated reductions for contingency purposes for the South Coast and the San Joaquin Valley. The proposed Board action also includes approval for submittal to U.S. EPA of revisions to the PM2.5 and ozone SIP for the South Coast Air Basin and Coachella Valley adopted by the South Coast Air Quality Management District on March 4, 2011.
- Plan Submittal Letter to U.S. EPA for adopted revisions to California's PM2.5 SIP (May 18, 2011)
- Plan Submittal Letter to U.S. EPA for the 2007 PM2.5 and ozone for South Coast Air Basin and Coachella Valley (May 19, 2011)
- Executive Order S-11-010 for the Approval of Revisions to the Fine Particulate Matter State Implementation Plans for the South Coast Air Quality Management District and the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (May 18, 2011)
- Resolution 11-24 adopting the proposed Progress Report and SIP Revisions (April 28, 2011)
- Notice of Public Hearing (March 29, 2011)
- CARB Staff Report and Proposed SIP Revision with Appendices: Progress Report on Implementation of PM2.5 State Implementation Plans (SIP) for the South Coast and San Joaquin Valley Air Basins and Proposed SIP Revisions
- Individual Appendices
- Appendix A: Description of the Proposed SIP Revisions
- Appendix B (Errata-footnote 5 explained): Rulemaking Calendar
- Appendix C: Reasonable Further Progress Tables
- Appendix D: Transportation Conformity Budgets
- Appendix E: Additional Documentation
- Appendix F: SIP Revision for the South Coast Air Basin and Coachella Valley
- Appendix G: Analysis of Environmental Impacts
2009 Status Report and Revision to the California 2007 State Implementation Plan
On April 23, the California Air Resources Board adopted a staff proposal to consider a revision to the SIP reflecting implementation of the 2007 State Strategy since it was adopted. The U.S. EPA requested this revision to aid U.S. EPA’s approval of the SIP. The proposed revision accounts for emission reductions from the regulations adopted in 2007 and 2008, clarifies CARB’s legal commitments in light of U.S. EPA’s approval criteria, and clarifies the discussion of the long-term strategy for identifying future technologies to achieve the last increment of reductions. The proposed revision does not change the emission reductions of oxides of nitrogen, reactive organic gases, oxides of sulfur and direct PM2.5 that the Board committed to achieve by specific years when it adopted the 2007 State Strategy. The proposed revision also includes a commitment for emission reductions in the Sacramento area, since its attainment plan will be considered by the Board at its March 2009 hearing when it considers approval of the SIP for the Sacramento area. The reductions in Sacramento from the statewide measures in the 2007 State Strategy had not been quantified at the time the 2007 State Strategy was adopted and so are not reflected in the 2007 State Strategy. For clarity, staff is now proposing to revise the State Strategy to reflect this commitment. CARB staff has prepared a document entitled, Status Report on the State Strategy for California’s 2007 State Implementation Plan and Proposed Revision to the State Implementation Plan Reflecting Implementation of the 2007 State Strategy (Status Report and Proposed SIP Revisions).
- Plan Submittal Letter to U.S. EPA of the adopted revision to California's SIP Reflecting Implementation of the 2007 State Strategy.
- Resolution 09-34 (April 24, 2009)
- Notice of Public Hearing to Consider Status Report on the State Strategy for California's 2007 State Implementation Plan and Consider Approval of A Proposed Revision to the SIP Reflecting Implementation of the 2007 State Strategy (March 24, 2009)
- Staff Report and Revision: Status Report on the State Strategy for California’s 2007 State Implementation Plan and Proposed Revision to the SIP Reflecting Implementation of the 2007 State Strategy
Statewide Strategy Approval Documents
On September 27, 2007, CARB adopted its State Strategy for the 2007 SIP. The State Strategy consists of the April 26, 2007 draft strategy and several changes that were made as CARB staff proceeded through the public comment and Board adoption process. The April 2007 draft, proposed changes, and adopted documents are listed below.
Submittal Letter to U.S. EPA of the State Strategy for the California State Implementation Plan (November 16, 2007)
Board Resolution 07-28 (September 27, 2007)
- Attachment A - Technical and Clarifying Modifications to April 26, 2007 Revised Draft Air Resources Board’s Proposed State Strategy for California’s 2007 State Implementation Plan and May 7, 2007 Revised Draft Appendices A through G
- Attachment B - Proposed Modifications to the Air Resources Board’s Proposed State Strategy for California’s 2007 State Implementation Plan that will Achieve 30 Tons Per Day of Additional Emission Reductions in the South Coast by 2014 and 88 to 93 Tons Per Day of Emission Reductions in the San Joaquin Valley by 2017
Executive Order S-07-002 for the Approval of the State Strategy for California's State Implementation Plan (SIP) for the Federal 8-hour Ozone and PM2.5 Standards (November 16, 2007)
Submittal Letter to U.S. EPA for the Revised Pesticide Element of the 1994 Ventura County Nonattainment Ozone Plan (November 30, 2007)
Resolution 07-42 for the Revised Pesticide Element of the 1994 Ventura County Nonattainment Ozone Plan (September 27, 2007)
Executive Order S-07-003 for the Revised Pesticide Element of the 1994 Ventura County Nonattainment Ozone Plan (November 30, 2007)
Appendix H: Proposed Revision to the Pesticide Element of the 1994 Ozone SIP for the Ventura County Nonattainment Area
- Revised Environmental Analysis for the Proposed Revision to the Pesticide Element of the 1994 Ozone SIP for the Ventura County Nonattainment Area
September 2007 Proposal for Revised State Strategy
Continuation of Public Meeting on Proposed State Strategy - September 27-28, 2007
April 26 State Strategy Documents
Draft Statewide Air Quality Plan
One of the California Air Resources Board’s responsibilities is to propose the State and federal strategy for the SIP to reach the federal standards. The SIP is a comprehensive strategy designed to attain federal air quality standards as quickly as possible through a combination of technologically feasible and cost-effective measures. It outlines CARB staff's assessment of how far adopted regulations will take us towards attainment of federal standards, what new actions could be taken, how the timing of new technology and incentive funds comes into play, and what are the earliest feasible timeframes for meeting standards is likely to be in each region.
Appendix C: Revised Interstate Transport SIP
Technical Modifications to April 26, 2007 Revised Draft of Proposed State Strategy
Revised Draft - April 26, 2007
- Cover and Table of Contents
- Executive Summary
- CHAPTERS 1-3 (Background, Technical Foundation, and CARB's 2007 SIP State Strategy)
- CHAPTER 4 (PM2.5 Attainment in the South Coast)
- CHAPTER 5 (Proposed New SIP Measures - Descriptions)
May 7, 2007 Appendices to the April 26, 2007 Revised Draft
- Appendix A: Emission Inventory Output Tables
- Appendix B: Infrastructure SIP
- Appendix C: Interstate Transport SIP
- Appendix D: Reasonable Further Progress and Contingency Reductions
- Appendix E: Potential Impacts of State Strategy Proposed New Measures
- Appendix F: Emission Inventory Description
- Appendix G: Legal Authority and Other Requirements
- Appendix H: Proposed Revision to the Pesticide Element of the 1994 Ozone SIP for the Ventura County Nonattainment Area