
Programs are the specific actions, research areas, or regulatory responsibilities of the California Air Resources Board.

Programs are how the Board works to protect public health by improving and protecting air quality. Programs support all aspects of the work of the CARB, from research and measurements, to policy implementation and regulation enforcement.

Air Toxics Listening Session SeriesN/A Airborne Toxics, Freight & Goods Movement, Trains & Railyards, Air PollutionTransportation and Toxics Division
Air Toxics ProgramN/A Airborne Toxics, Consumer ProductsTransportation and Toxics Division
Clean Off-Road Equipment VouchersN/A Incentives, Freight & Goods Movement, Construction & Earthmoving Equipment, Lawn, Garden & Landscape EquipmentMobile Source Control Division
Commercial Harbor Craft N/A Freight & Goods Movement, Oceangoing Vessels & Harbor CraftTransportation and Toxics Division
Community Air Protection IncentivesN/A Environmental Justice, IncentivesOffice of Community Air Protection
Community Air Protection Program N/A Environmental JusticeOffice of Community Air Protection
Community HealthN/A HealthResearch Division
Community SolutionsN/A N/A Office of Community Air Protection
Criteria Pollutant and Toxics Emissions Reporting (CTR)N/A Air Pollution, Airborne Toxics, Air Quality MonitoringAir Quality Planning and Science Division
In-Use Off-Road Diesel-Fueled Fleets RegulationN/A Construction & Earthmoving Equipment, Lawn, Garden & Landscape EquipmentMobile Source Control Division
Ocean-Going Vessel Fuel RegulationN/A Oceangoing Vessels & Harbor Craft, Freight & Goods MovementTransportation and Toxics Division
Ocean-Going Vessels At Berth RegulationN/A Oceangoing Vessels & Harbor Craft, Freight & Goods MovementTransportation and Toxics Division
People at RiskN/A Health, Environmental Justice, Indoor Air Quality & Exposure, Sustainable CommunitiesResearch Division
Small Off-Road Engines (SORE)N/A Lawn, Garden & Landscape EquipmentMonitoring and Laboratory Division