Measurements of VOCs in the SoCAB: Chemical Characterization and Impacts of Potential Ozone and PM Formation
Principal Investigator/Author: Jessica Gilman
Contractor: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Contract number: 20RD002
Project Status: Completed
Relevant CARB programs: California State Implementation Plans, Air Toxics Program
Topic areas: Air Pollution Exposure,State Implementation Plans (SIPs), Ozone, Particulate Matter (PM), PM2.5, Emissions Data,Light-Duty Vehicles,Heavy-Duty Vehicles, Diesel Exhaust, Heavy-Duty Vehicle Research, Non-Exhaust Emissions
Research Summary:
This agreement involves scientists from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) who will perform a study outdoors to measure certain chemicals present in the air around Los Angeles. These chemicals, known as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), originate from various sources and can influence air quality. The researchers will employ a specialized tool capable of accurately analyzing these chemicals. They will then analyze the information gathered by this tool to determine the origins of these chemicals and how they transform over time due to sunlight and other factors. This knowledge will support government organizations in creating more effective regulations to decrease air pollution and enhance air quality in the coming years.
Keywords: volatile organic compounds, speciation, ozone, formation regime, PM2.5, secondary organic aerosols, air quality, emission sources, volatile chemical products, source apportionment, state implementation plans, GC-MS