Name Subject: Submitted to: File Upload (i.e., Attachment): Comment
Mark Smith O & G Methane Regulations Public Feedback on Potential Changes to the Oil and Gas Methane Regulation to Implement U.S. EPA’s Emissions Guidelines N/A


Marvin Smith Elimnate separators with new technology, MPFM's, and reduce emissions up to 90% Public Feedback on Potential Changes to the Oil and Gas Methane Regulation to Implement U.S. EPA’s Emissions Guidelines


Marvin Smith RECORDKEEPING: Industry software for Methane Management Public Feedback on Potential Changes to the Oil and Gas Methane Regulation to Implement U.S. EPA’s Emissions Guidelines


William Shaffer Comments to CARB's Proposed Amendments to COGR Public Feedback on Potential Changes to the Oil and Gas Methane Regulation to Implement U.S. EPA’s Emissions Guidelines


Jennifer Privett PG&E's Comments on Potential Changes to COGR Public Feedback on Potential Changes to the Oil and Gas Methane Regulation to Implement U.S. EPA’s Emissions Guidelines


Jessi Davis SoCalGas Comments on Potential Amendments to the Oil and Gas Methane Regulation Public Feedback on Potential Changes to the Oil and Gas Methane Regulation to Implement U.S. EPA’s Emissions Guidelines


James Chris Hall Written Comments on Potential Methane Regulations Public Feedback on Potential Changes to the Oil and Gas Methane Regulation to Implement U.S. EPA’s Emissions Guidelines


Cesar Aguirre California Oil and Gas Rule amendment Comments Public Feedback on Potential Changes to the Oil and Gas Methane Regulation to Implement U.S. EPA’s Emissions Guidelines


James Chris Hall Potential Methane Regulation Changes: Federal EPA Regulations Public Feedback on Potential Changes to the Oil and Gas Methane Regulation to Implement U.S. EPA’s Emissions Guidelines


Jon Costantino CIPA Comments Public Feedback on Potential Changes to the Oil and Gas Methane Regulation to Implement U.S. EPA’s Emissions Guidelines


Christine Zimmerman Comments On Potential Amendments to the Oil and Gas Methane Regulation to Implement U.S. EPA’s Emissions Guidelines Public Feedback on Potential Changes to the Oil and Gas Methane Regulation to Implement U.S. EPA’s Emissions Guidelines


Katelyn Roedner Sutter Environmental Defense Fund Comments on Potential Amendments to the Oil and Gas Methane Regulation to Implement U.S. EPA's Emissions Guidelines Public Feedback on Potential Changes to the Oil and Gas Methane Regulation to Implement U.S. EPA’s Emissions Guidelines


Laetitia Pirson Call for Effective Methane Regulation for the Oil and Gas Industry Public Feedback on Potential Changes to the Oil and Gas Methane Regulation to Implement U.S. EPA’s Emissions Guidelines
