Submitted Comment Name Marvin Smith Affiliation Employee at Weatherford International Subject Elimnate separators with new technology, MPFM's, and reduce emissions up to 90% Message Weatherford, along with other international companies, manufacturer Multi-Phase Flow Meters (MPFM) that replace test separators at well sites. MPFM's reduce flanges by 90% and reduce emissions by 67-90%. States have approved MPFM's for allocation. MPFM's eliminate separators. MPFM's can theoretically calculate all methane coming out of the ground for every well drilled. MPFM's bring separation into the digital age. MPFM's provide real time data accessible over the internet on oil, gas and water flow rates, versus manual samples with separators, that allow for better decision making including ESG decisions. And, MPFM's are less expensive to purchase versus separators, and MPFM's are less expensive to maintain. MPFM technology provides a commonsense approach towards regulation and part of a larger solution on climate control. File Upload (i.e., Attachments): CARB Submittal on Methane Emissions Feedback.pdf
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