2025 LCFS Pathways Requiring Public Comments
Instructions for Submitting Comments
For Temporary and Lookup Table Pathways:
- View the pathway documentation by selecting the pathway description.
- In the comment Subject line, include the pathway description. For example, "Comments for CA grid electricity used in Smart Charging or Smart Electrolysis".
For Tier 2 Pathways:
- View the application package by selecting the Application Number (i.e., "B0008").
- In the comment Subject line, please include the specific application number. For example, "Comments for application no. B0008".
For each posted item, comments are due at 5 PM PST on the deadline shown.
Proposed New Temporary Pathways (2025)
Pursuant to Section 95488.9(b)(4) of the LCFS regulation, the Executive Officer may approve a new Temporary pathway for a fuel or feedstock-fuel combination not found in Table 8 of the LCFS regulation. Public comments on proposed new Temporary fuel pathways (posted below) will be accepted for 45 days prior to certification. If relevant comments received during this period require significant revisions of the originally published pathway, an updated pathway will be posted for additional public comment. Upon certification, this new Temporary pathway will be available for LRT-CBTS reporting for the quarter in which it is certified.
Posted Date | Temporary Pathway Description | Comment Deadline | Public Comments |
Proposed Annual Updates to Lookup Table Pathways (2025)
Section 95488.9(b)(4) of the LCFS regulation directs the Executive Officer to update the CI annually for the following Lookup Table pathways using the methodology described in Section E of the Lookup Table Pathways Technical Support Documentation (August 13, 2018):
- California average grid electricity used as a transportation fuel in California
- Electricity supplied under the smart charging or smart electrolysis provision
Prior to certification, the updated pathway CI values will be posted for 45 days for public comment. The Executive Officer will review and respond to relevant comments received during this period. Once certified, the updated pathway CI values are expected to be available for quarterly fuel reporting in the first quarter (Q1) of the year.
Posted Date | Lookup Table Pathway Description | Comment Deadline | Public Comments |
Tier 2 Pathway Applications (2025)
Pursuant to Section 95488.7(d)(5) of the LCFS regulation, Tier 2 fuel pathway application packages are posted to this webpage for public comment after evaluation. Comments on each posted application package are accepted for ten (10) business days. Comments identifying potential factual or methodological errors in an application will be forwarded to the applicant. Upon receiving valid comments, applicants must either correct the errors identified and submit a revised application packet reflecting those corrections, or submit a detailed written response to the Executive Officer explaining why no revisions are necessary.
Tier 2 pathways that do not receive any comments or those for which the applicant has provided responses deemed sufficient by the Executive Officer are certified and posted at Pathway Certified Carbon Intensities.
Posted Date | Tier 2 Pathway Description | Comment Deadline | Comments and Responses |
2/6/2025 | Anew RNG, LLC (5877); Texas B068101: Fuel Producer: Anew RNG, LLC (5877); Facility Name: Perryton Biogas (F00639); Biogas from swine manure at Perryton Farm in Perryton, TX; upgraded to pipeline quality at Perryton Biogas; pipelined to CA for transportation use (PROV3.0) | 2/21/2025 | Submit Comments |
12/30/2024 | FirstElement Fuel (E426); Nevada B069501: Fuel Producer: FirstElement Fuel (E426); Facility Name: AL North Las Vegas Liquid Hydrogen Plant (F00523); Liquefied Hydrogen produced at Air Liquide N Las Vegas Hydrogen Plant using fossil Natural Gas; transported to trans-fill station in Etiwanda, California; re-gasified and compressed; gaseous hydrogen transported to refueling stations in California. (3.0) B069502: Fuel Producer: FirstElement Fuel (E426); Facility Name: AL North Las Vegas Liquid Hydrogen Plant (F00523); Liquefied Hydrogen produced at Air Liquide N Las Vegas Hydrogen Plant using biomethane procured from Yellow Jacket Lamb RNG Project; re-gasified and compressed at the trans-fill station in Etiwanda, CA; gaseous hydrogen transported to refueling stations. (3.0) B069503: Fuel Producer: FirstElement Fuel (E426); Facility Name: AL North Las Vegas Liquid Hydrogen Plant (F00523); Liquefied Hydrogen produced at Air Liquide N Las Vegas Hydrogen Plant using biomethane procured from Yellow Jacket Lakeshore RNG Project; re-gasified and compressed at trans-fill facility in Etiwanda, CA; gaseous hydrogen transported to refueling stations (3.0) B069504: Fuel Producer: FirstElement Fuel (E426); Facility Name: AL North Las Vegas Liquid Hydrogen Plant (F00523); Liquefied Hydrogen produced at Air Liquide N Las Vegas Hydrogen Plant using biomethane procured from Yellow Jacket Boxler RNG Project; re-gasified and compressed at trans-fill facility in Etiwanda; CA; gaseous hydrogen transported to refueling stations. (3.0) | 1/14/2025 | Comment Period Closed Comments Received: Response to Comments |