Almanac Resources
Much of the information used to develop the Almanac is accessible through a variety of databases and tools.
Real-time Air Quality Data: Air Quality and Meteorological Information System (AQMIS2) - Allows access to near real-time air quality and meteorological data. These data are available in tabular summary reports.
Historical Air Quality Data: Aerometric Data Analysis and Management System (iADAM) - Allows access to historical data (data for record) in tabular summary reports or displayed as graphs.
Emission Inventory Data: Allows access to historical and projected emissions, vehicle activity, and human population. Data is available for 2004, as well as for the years 1975-2020 at five year intervals.
Facility Search Engine: Allows users to locate criteria or toxics emissions data for a specific facility.
Top 25 Source Categories: Provides users with emissions for the top 25 highest emitting source categories by geographic area.
Community Level Emissions: Community Health Air Pollution Information System (CHAPIS) - Allows users to query and view emissions using a map interface.
Area Designations: Provides information regarding the designation areas in California with respect to the State Ambient Air Quality Standards.
Air Quality Standards: Provides information on State and national air quality standards.
Central California Air Quality Studies (CCAQS): Comprises two studies with the goal of providing an improved understanding of par-ticulate matter and visibility in central California.
Climate Change: Information regarding CARB's Climate Change Program.
Goods Movement (GMP): Presentation material and policy information on California's Goods Movement Plan.
Community Health: Provides information on Community Healthy programs in place.
Air Quality Data Monitoring: Air monitoring information with access to the most recent quality assurance information on any particular air site monitoring. This information consists of pollutants monitored, location, operation information, and photos of the site if available.