CARB Community Air Grants & CalEPA Environmental Justice Small Grants Webinar - July 28, 2021
- Community Air Protection Program Resource Center
The California Air Resources Board (CARB) and California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA) invites you to participate in a virtual public webinar (Zoom) for the CARB Community Air Grants Program (Air Grants Program) Request for Applications and CalEPA Environmental Justice Small Grants Program. CARB and CalEPA will provide a presentation on elements of an effective grant proposal and will respond to questions from potential applicants regarding general questions, administrative issues related to the submission of the proposal, and requests for clarification about application process.
The public workshop will be held via Zoom at the following date and time.
Date: July 28, 2021
Time: 4:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Location: Remote Access Only (Zoom)
Webinar ID: 880 1386 0177
Telephone: 888-278-0296
Conference code: 623913
Will cover:
- Overviews of the 2021 CARB Community Air Grants Request for Applications and 2021 CalEPA Environmental Justice Small Grants application
- Considerations and Tips on How to Develop an Effective Grant Proposal
- Answer any general Grant Development Writing questions
Will not cover:
- Answer any questions regarding specific projects or proposals
- Respond to any informal comments on draft applications
- Provide advice to applicants on how to respond to ranking criteria
Upcoming Grant Opportunities:
- The CARB Community Air Grants application and instructions may be downloaded from the Community Air Protection Program website. The maximum amount per project is $300,000 for technical and targeted projects, and $100,000 for educational projects. The application deadline is October 1, 2021.
- The 2021 CalEPA Environmental Justice Small Grants application and instructions may be downloaded from the CalEPA EJ Small Grants Program website. The maximum amount per project is $50,000. The application deadline is August 13, 2021.