2020 San Diego Ozone State Implementation Plan
- California State Implementation Plans
- Nonattainment Area Plans
- Butte County Air Quality Plans
- Eastern Kern Air Quality Plans
- Great Basin Unified APCD Air Quality Plans
- Imperial County Air Quality Plans
- Mariposa County APCD Air Quality Plans
- Northern Sierra AQMD Air Quality Plans
- Sacramento Region Air Quality Plans
- San Diego County Air Quality Plans
- San Francisco Bay Area Air Quality Plans
- San Joaquin Valley Air Quality Plans
- Santa Barbara County Air Quality Plans
- South Coast Air Quality Plans
- Ventura County Air Quality Plans
- Western Mojave Desert Air Quality Plans
- Statewide Efforts
- Nonattainment Area Plans
The California Air Resources Board adopted the San Diego County Air Quality Management Plan for attaining the Federal 8-hour 75 parts per billion (ppb) and 70 ppb Ozone standards at a public hearing to be held on November 19, 2020. The plan projects attainment for the standards by 2026 and 2032, respectively. Below you will find links to the Air Quality Management Plan and CARB's staff report as well as other documentation.
CARB Documents
- Public Notice (October 16, 2020)
- Staff Report (October 16, 2020)
- Resolution 20-29 (November 19, 2020)
District Documents
- Plan (Approved October 14, 2020)
- RACT Demonstration (Approved October 14, 2020)