2017 Scoping Plan Documents
This Scoping Plan for Achieving California’s 2030 Greenhouse Gas Target (Scoping Plan or 2017 Scoping Plan) identifies how the State can reach our 2030 climate target to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 40 percent from 1990 levels, and substantially advance toward our 2050 climate goal to reduce GHG emissions by 80 percent below 1990 levels. By selecting and pursuing a sustainable and clean economy path for 2030, the State will continue to successfully execute existing programs, demonstrate the coupling of economic growth and environmental progress, and enhance new opportunities for engagement within the State to address and prepare for climate change. This Scoping Plan builds on and integrates efforts already underway to reduce the State’s GHG, criteria pollutant, and toxic air contaminant emissions. Successful implementation of existing programs has put California on track to achieve the 2020 target. Programs such as the Low Carbon Fuel Standard and Renewables Portfolio Standard are delivering cleaner fuels and energy, the Advanced Clean Cars Program has put more than a quarter million clean vehicles on the road, and the Sustainable Freight Action Plan will result in efficient and cleaner systems to move goods throughout the State. Enhancing and implementing these ongoing efforts, paired with a more stringent Cap-and-Trade Program, puts California on the path to achieving the 2030 target per SB 32 and to deliver climate, air quality, and other benefits.
Final 2017 Scoping Plan Update and Appendices
- Executive Summary (November 2017)
- Final 2017 Scoping Plan (November 2017)
- Scoping Plan and Cap-and-Trade Fact Sheet
- Appendices (November 2017)
- Appendix A: EJAC Recommendations
- Appendix B: Local Action
- Appendix C: Vibrant Communities and Landscapes and Potential VMT Measures
- Appendix D: PATHWAYS
- Appendix E: Economic Analysis
- Uncertainty Analysis Tool - companion workbook to Appendix E1
- Uncertainty Analysis Tool (Final SP) - companion workbook to Appendix E2
- Appendix F: Environmental Analysis
- Appendix G: Alternatives Evaluation, Estimations for AB 197, and Health Impacts
- Appendix H: Major Climate Statutes and Regulations
- Appendix I: Green Buildings Strategy
- Resolution 17-46
- FAQ Cap-and-Trade
Modeling Information
- Biofuel Supply Module Technical Documentation (January 2017)
- Biofuel Module
- California PATHWAYS Model (see User Guide for Installation Instructions)
- California PATHWAYS Model Framework and Methods
- California PATHWAYS User Guide
- PATHWAYS Outputs: GHG Emissions by Measure
- PATHWAYS Output Tool: Reference, Scoping Plan and All Cap-and-Trade Cases including 60% RPS Sensitivities
- PATHWAYS Output Tool: Alternative 1, Cap-and-Tax and Old Reference Scenarios
- PATHWAYS Stock Charts
2017 Scoping Plan Drafts
October 2017 Revised Draft
January 2017 Proposed Draft
- Proposed Scoping Plan
- Modeling Information
- Notice of Public Hearings and Comment Period
- View Comments
December 2016 Discussion Draft
- Discussion Draft
- Appendices A-C (Early 2017)
- Appendix D: EJAC Initial Recommendations
- Appendices E-K (Early 2017)
- Preface, Resumen Ejecutivo, e Introduccion (Preface, Executive Summary, and Introduction Spanish)
- Estrategia a 2030 (Draft Document Strategy to 2030 Spanish)
- Draft Scoping Plan Scenario & Alternatives Modeling Description
- Supplemental Information on Natural and Working Lands
- View Comments