2013 Scoping Plan Documents
The First Update to the Scoping Plan was approved by the Board on May 22, 2014, and builds upon the initial Scoping Plan with new strategies and recommendations. The First Update identifies opportunities to leverage existing and new funds to further drive GHG emission reductions through strategic planning and targeted low carbon investments. The First Update defines CARB’s climate change priorities for the next five years, and also sets the groundwork to reach long-term goals set forth in Executive Orders S-3-05 and B-16-2012. The Update highlights California’s progress toward meeting the “near-term” 2020 GHG emission reduction goals defined in the initial Scoping Plan. It also evaluates how to align the State's "longer-term" GHG reduction strategies with other State policy priorities for water, waste, natural resources, clean energy, transportation, and land use.
Final 2013 Scoping Plan Update and Appendices
- Final 2013 Scoping Plan (May 2014)
- Appendices
- Appendix A: AB 32 Text
- Appendix B: Status of Scoping Plan Measures (March 2014)
- Appendix C: Focus Group Working Papers (March 2014)
- Appendix D: Local and Regional Efforts to Implement Climate Protection Strategies (February 2014)
- Appendix E: Final Recommendations from the Environmental Justice Advisory Committee on the Proposed AB 32 Scoping Plan (April 2014)
- Appendix F: Final Environmental Analysis (EA) (May 2014)
- Notice of Decision (Filed with California Natural Resources Agency on May 23, 2014)
- Public Comments on the Environmental Analysis
- Responses to Comments received on the Draft EA (May 2014)
- 45-Day Notice for the EA (posted March 14, 2014)
- Resolution 14-16
- Draft Proposed First Update (February 2014)
- Discussion Draft (October 2013)