AB 2588 "Hot Spots" State Fees
The purpose of the Fee Regulation is to recover State costs of implementing and administering the Air Toxics "Hot Spots" Program. The fees assessed through this regulation fund various CARB, OEHHA and district activities. The fees are used to support State and local activities to develop air toxics emission inventory guidelines, provide emission inventory technical assistance, develop and maintain a statewide air toxics emission inventory database, review and approve air toxics emission inventories, prioritize facilities for health risk assessment purposes, develop health risk assessment guidelines, review and approve health risk assessments, implement public notification requirements for facilities whose emissions present a significant health risk, and implement risk reduction requirements and risk reduction guidance to facilities.
Annual Status Reports
The Annual Status Report on State Fees and a list of fees for each facility are shown below.
Future Fee Regulations
The "Hot Spots" Fee Regulation has been streamlined for future fiscal years. The fee amounts for each risk level will remain the same, but the annual process to approve those fees has been altered. Instead of a new Fee Regulation every year, CARB will use the formula that has been used in previous years to calculate fees for facilities in the "Hot Spots" Program. If the State Facility Fee Rates that allow CARB to calculate fees must be changed, a formal Fee Regulation must then be adopted by CARB and approved by the Office of Administrative Law. That means any changes to fee rates would have to go through the regular public comment period with a notice sent to all interested parties and stakeholders.
Fee Regulation for Fiscal Year 2001-2002 Approved by OAL June 10, 2002
The fee rates in the FY 01-02 Fee Regulation are currently being applied to facilities subject to AB 2588 State fees. For the years between 2001 and 2013, the average State fee for a fee-paying facility was between $35 and $200 per year.
At the October 25, 2001, Board hearing, the Board approved CARB staff's proposal for amending the Air Toxics "Hot Spots" Fee Regulation for fiscal year 2001-2002. Revisions were made to include updated facility data submitted by the local air districts. These modifications were made available on November 30, 2001, in a published document and were available on this site for a 15-day public comment period. CARB received no written comments during the 15-day comment period. The final package was filed with the Office of Administrative Law (OAL) on April 26, 2002.
The Staff Report for the amendments to the Fee Regulation, available since September 7, 2001, contained the proposed amendments to the Fee Regulation and the justification for those amendments, the revised regulatory language, and the results of an economic impact analysis of the proposed amendments.
For more information on Fee Regulation for fiscal year 2001-2002, visit Rulemaking.