New analysis shows spikes of metal contaminants, including lead, in 2018 Camp Fire wildfire smoke

SACRAMENTO – A new California Air Resources Board (CARB) analysis of air quality data collected during the deadly Camp Fire sheds new light on exactly what was in the thick smoke that blanketed much of Northern California for two weeks in November 2018. The document, published today, shows smoke produced from the Camp Fire exposed Californians to dangerous levels of particulate matter and contained concerning levels of toxic metal contaminants, including lead, which spiked for about 24 hours.

New California program awards 21 communities, tribes $20 million to launch shared, zero-emission mobility projects

SACRAMENTO – Twenty-one California nonprofits, local governments, transit agencies, and Native American tribal governments in under-resourced communities have been awarded up to $1 million each by the new Clean Mobility Options Voucher Pilot Program (CMO) to develop and launch zero-emission mobility projects, such as bikesharing and ride-on-demand services, aimed at overcoming transportation challenges faced by residents in their communities.

CARB reopens incentives for clean trucks and buses

SACRAMENTO – The California Air Resources Board (CARB) and CALSTART announce the reopening of the popular Hybrid and Zero-Emission Truck and Bus Voucher Incentive Project (HVIP) at 10 a.m. to new voucher requests.

California and Quebec release summary results from 27th joint cap-and-trade allowance auction

SACRAMENTO – Today at noon (PDT), California and Quebec released the results of the 27th joint cap-and-trade auction of carbon allowances from both jurisdictions. The final numbers include sales figures and settlement prices for 2017, 2019, 2020 and 2021(current) and 2024 (advance) vintages.

Current Vintage

Number offered: 71,647,138
Number sold: 71,647,138
Settlement Price: 8,306,250

Advance Vintage

Number offered: 8,306,250
Number sold: 8,306,250
Settlement Price: $19.04


CARB seeks nominations for premier clean air, climate award

SACRAMENTO – The California Air Resources Board (CARB) is accepting applications through August 10, 2021 for the 2020-2021 Haagen-Smit Clean Air Awards, California’s premier award recognizing individuals who have made outstanding contributions to improving air quality.

California Air Resources Board launches California Smoke Spotter app

SACRAMENTO – A new, first of its kind app launched today by the California Air Resources Board (CARB) shows Californians when and where prescribed fires are being planned so they can prepare for potential smoke impacts. 

The California Smoke Spotter app provides a comprehensive overview of the latest information on prescribed fires, projected smoke impacts, current air quality and educational material. This will help them plan their day’s activities, and also determine if smoke is from a local prescribed fire. Key features of the app include:

California requires zero-emissions vehicle use for ridesharing services, another step toward achieving the state’s climate goals

SACRAMENTO – In accordance with the implementation of SB 1014 of 2018, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) today adopted a regulation requiring that rideshare companies begin electrification of their California fleets starting in 2023 – another step towards meeting the state’s 2030 climate goal of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions 40 percent below 1990 levels, achieving statewide carbon neutrality by 2045, aligning with Governor Newsom Zero Emission Vehicle Executive Order (N-7

CARB appoints new members to Environmental Justice Advisory Committee

SACRAMENTO – The California Air Resources Board today announced the appointment of seven new members to its Environmental Justice Advisory Committee (EJAC). The committee is comprised of representatives from California communities most heavily impacted by air pollution, including those communities with minority or low-income populations.

The newly-appointed representatives include:

CARB appoints Edna Murphy as new Deputy Executive Officer for Internal Operations

SACRAMENTO – CARB Executive Officer Richard Corey announced the appointment of Edna Murphy as Deputy Executive Officer (DEO) for Internal Operations and Office of Information Services. In this new position, Murphy will oversee CARB’s strategic planning, enterprise-wide risk assessment and mitigation, internal racial equity initiatives for recruitment, hiring and promotional protocols, and supervise the Equal Employment Opportunity office on behalf of the Executive Officer.