Research Screening Committee
The Board's legislatively mandated Research Screening Committee (RSC) consists of scientists, engineers, and others knowledgeable, technically qualified, and experienced in air pollution problems. The Committee meets approximately 2-4 times a year to review proposed and completed research projects.
CARB approves new members for the RSC. Meet the new members. (PDF)
CARB Advisory committee members, such as those within the RSC, must comply with the guidance outlined in the following memo: CARB Advisory Committee Transparency Requirements, October 2022 (PDF)
Current Committee Membership:
- Aly M. Tawfik, PhD, PTP, California State University Fresno
- Sam Silva, PhD, University of Southern California
- Bryan Hubbell, PhD, United States Environmental Protection Agency
- Mary Johnson, PhD, Harvard University
- Francesca Hopkins, PhD, University of California, Riverside
- Roya Bahreini, PhD, University of California, Riverside
- Michael Schmeltz, DrPH, California State University, East Bay
Upcoming Meeting
January 27, 2025
10:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M.
Remote (Zoom)
Registration/Attendance Link
Conference Room 720
Cal/EPA Headquarters Building
1001 I Street
Sacramento, CA
Meeting Materials
- Agenda Book
- Research Proposal:
- "Quantifying Greenspace Impacts on Human Health in California," University of California, Davis, $697,489
- Draft Final Report
- "Improved Assessment and Tracking of Health Impacts for California Communities Most Burdened by Pollution," University of California, Los Angeles, $499,971, Contract No. 21RD005
Past Meeting Documents
November 15, 2024
- Agenda Book
- Research Proposals
- "Dust on the Horizon: Assessing Current and Predicting Future Health Risks from the Shrinking Salton Sea," University of California, San Diego, $930,000
- "Reducing Exposure with Air Cleaners and Technology (REACT) in At-Risk Communities," University of California, Berkeley, $850,000
- "HEAT - Health Equity and Adaptation to Extreme Temperature," University of California, Merced, $600,000
- "Quantifying Greenspace Impacts on Human Health and Ecosystem Services in California," University of California, Davis, $697,493
- "Assessing Health Impacts of Brake and Tire Wear Emissions in Overburdened Communities of the San Joaquin Valley," University of California, Berkeley, $850,000
- Draft Final Reports
- "Understanding Travel Demand and Built Environment Factors to Optimize Increased ZEV Access in Underserved Communities," University of California, Davis, $599,978, Contract No. 22STC017; Attachment 1; Attachment 2
- "Plume Capture Measurement of Vehicle Emissions at the Caldecott Tunnel for Heavy-Duty Emission Program Development and Verification," University of California, Berkeley, $449,571, Contract No. 20RD004
- "Alignment of Planned Transportation Investments with Climate and Equity Goals," University of California, Los Angeles, $199,950, Contract No. 21RD008
- Actions
September 23, 2024
- Agenda Book
- Research Proposals:
- "Enhancing Health Impact Assessment in California: Integrating High-Resolution Air Quality Modeling and Community Characteristics," University of California, Los Angeles, $800,000
- "Dust on the Horizon: Assessing Current and Projecting Future Health Risks from the Shrinking Salton Sea," University of California, San Diego, $930,000
- "Residential Appliances in Diverse California Communities: Emission, Exposure, and Health Impacts of Toxic Air Contaminants (RESPECT)," University of California, Los Angeles, $926,365
- Actions
May 2, 2024
- Agenda Book
- Research Proposal:
- "Characterization of Train Brake- and Wheel-Wear PM Emissions," University of California, Riverside, $1,150,000
- Draft Final Report:
- "Remote Sensing Measurements of Light-Duty Vehicle Emissions at Multiple California Locations," Eastern Research Group, $650,000, Contract No. 20RD001; Appendices
- Actions
March 19, 2024
- Agenda Book
- Draft Final Reports:
- "Evaluating the Potential for Housing Development in Transportation-Efficient and Healthy, High-Opportunity Areas in California," University of California, Irvine, $599,974, Contract No. 20STC009
- "Health Impacts of California Wildfire PM2.5 Across the Lifespan: Wildfire Exposure to Rhesus Monkeys," University of California, Davis, $452,811, Contract No. 19RD005
- "Remote Sensing Measurements of Light-Duty Vehicle Emissions at Multiple California Locations," Eastern Research Group, $449,958, Contract 20RD001
- Actions
January 18, 2024
- Agenda Book
- Research Proposal:
- "Ozone Exposure and Respiratory Effects - School Absenteeism, Asthma-Related Symptoms, and Asthma-Related Emergency Department Visits and Hospitalizations," University of California, Los Angeles, $500,000
- Contract Augmentation:
- "Examining the Health Impacts of Short-Term Repeated Exposure to Wildfire Smoke," University of California, Irvine, $25,000, Contract No. 21RD003
- Draft Final Reports:
- "Measurement of Volatile Organic Compounds in the South Coast Air Basin: Chemical Characterization and Impacts on Potential Ozone and PM Formation," National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, $294,284, Contract 20RD002
- "Measuring, Analyzing and Identifying Small-Area Vehicle Miles Traveled Reduction," University of California, Davis, $199,500, Contract No. 20RD006
- "Low-Carbon Transportation Incentive Strategies Using Performance Evaluation Tools for Heavy-Duty Trucks and Off-Road Equipment," University of California, Irvine, $1,000,000, Contract No. 19RD026
- Actions
November 17, 2023
- Agenda Book
- Research Proposals:
- "Using Integrated Observations and Modeling to Better Understand Current and Future Air Quality Impacts of Wildfires and Prescribed Burns," University of California, Davis, $805,000
- "Impacts of Multiple Climate Change Stressors on Health in California," University of California, Los Angeles, $500,000
- "Unlocking Health Benefits for Californians through Active Land Management Strategies," University of California, Merced, $549,316
- Contract Augmentations:
- "Impact of Air Pollution Exposure on Metabolic Outcomes for California Residents," University of California, Berkeley, $50,000, Contract No. 22RD010
- "Total Exposures to Air Pollutants and Noise in Disadvantaged Communities," University of California, Berkeley, $75,000, Contract No. 20RD012
- "Understanding and Characterizing Emission Factors from Burning Structures in California Due to Wildfires," University of California, Berkeley, $300,000, Contract No. 22RD004
- Draft Final Reports:
- "A Scenario Tool for Assessing the Health Benefits of Conserving, Restoring and Managing Natural and Working Lands in California," University of California, Los Angeles, $536,124, Contract No. 19RD015
- "Understanding and Mitigating Wildfire Risk in California," University of California, Berkeley, $900,000, Contract No. 19RD008
- "A Data Science Framework to Measure VMT by Mode and Purpose," University of California, Berkeley, $550,000, Contract No. 20RD005
- "Measuring, Analyzing and Identifying Small-Area Vehicle Miles Traveled Reduction," University of California, Davis, $199,500, Contract No. 20RD006
- Actions
For older meeting documents, visit the RSC archive.