CARB Resources for Celebrating WOCAP: Building on the First Five Years
Community Air Protection Program
Community Air Protection Program: Home page for the Program
Community Air Protection Resource Flyer: English Spanish
AB 617 CommunityHub 2.0: Find CAPP communities, CERP strategies and actions, funding information
Community Air Protection Program Blueprint 2.0: English and Spanish Blueprint 2.0
Community Air Grants: Find out about community air grants.
CARB Environmental Justice Blog): Environmental Justice Blog
Community Air Protection Incentives: Updated Incentives Guidelines
Air Monitoring Data Websites
AQview: Community Air Quality Viewer: Air quality data maps and trends from government and community-led air monitoring.
PurpleAir Air Sensor Map: Hyper-local community-collected particle pollution (PM 2.5) data.
EPA Fire and Smoke Map: Provides active fire locations and air quality index (AQI) from multiple sensor types.
Cumulative Health and Exposure Screening Tools
CalEnviroScreen 4.0 | OEHHA: Environmental Health Screening Tool helps identify disproportionately burdened communities.
CalEnviroScreen 10th Anniversary ( History of the groundbreaking Environmental Justice mapping tool.
Healthy Place Index (HPI) ( Maps data on social conditions that drive health like education, job opportunities, clean air and water.
EJScreen: Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping Tool: U.S. EPA Environmental Justice mapping tool combines environmental and demographic indicators.
Air Pollution Emission Inventory Tools
CARB Pollution Mapping Tool | California Air Resources Board: Air pollution emissions data for criteria air pollutants toxic air contaminants, and greenhouse gases from large facilities.
Reporting, Enforcement, and Mitigation Information
Environmental Complaints: (New) CalEPA Environmental Complaint System for Air, Water, Toxic Substances, Pesticides, and Solid Waste (trash)
Vehicle Idling Fact Sheet | California Air Resources Board Vehicle idling facts
Catalytic Converter Theft Deterrence: Catalytic converter theft deterrence fact sheet
Supplemental Environmental Projects (SEP) | California Air Resources Board: CARB's SEP Policy allows community-based projects to be funded from a portion of the penalties received during settlement of enforcement actions.