Testing Elijah
The Regulation for the Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions (reporting regulation or MRR) requires the independent verification of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions data reports. Verification questions may be sent to ghgverify@arb.ca.gov.
MRR Regulation (with referenced version of U.S. EPA's 40 CFR Part 98)
Low Carbon Fuel Standard Program
The reporting regulation was developed under the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 (Statutes of 2006; Chapter 488; Health and Safety Code sections 38500 et seq.) and approved by the California Air Resources Board (CARB or Board) in December 2007, with subsequent amendments in 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016, and 2018. The 2018 MRR revisions became effective on April 1, 2019. The requirements for independent verification of emissions data reports and CARB oversight of accreditation were included in the original regulation and are consistent with international best practices. The MRR is codified in Subchapter 10, Article 2, sections 95100 to 95158, title 17, California Code of Regulations.
Accreditation & Oversight
CARB has established and implemented a verification program to support mandatory GHG reporting. Two primary components are an accreditation program for GHG verification bodies and individual verifiers and a verifier performance oversight program. CARB is responsible for evaluating the verification services provided by CARB-accredited verification bodies and verifiers to ensure California's high quality standards are achieved.
Only CARB-accredited verification bodies may provide verification services to reporting entities. The following web link provides a list of CARB-accredited verification bodies. Additional accredited individuals listed in the second link may participate on verification teams as subcontractors to accredited verification bodies. The third-party verification requirements, threshold, and deadline are specified in section 95103(f) of the reporting regulation.
Accredited Verification Bodies and Executive Orders (update to EOs for VB reaccreditation expected to be posted shortly)
Accredited Individual Verifiers (Excel) (March 10, 2023)
Executive Orders for Individual Verifiers (PDF) (update to EOs for reaccreditation is expected to be posted shortly - last updated April 12, 2022)
Verifier Accreditation Training
CARB recently completed an MRR verification accreditation training in November 2020, and expects to offer training again in early 2024. For more information about verifier accreditation training, please view our Frequently Asked Questions (PDF) document.
Information for Verifiers
Questions regarding CARB accreditation and verification should be sent to ghgverify@arb.ca.gov.
Verification Body Application for Accreditation/Reaccreditation
Application for Verifier Reaccreditation (an application must be submitted for existing accredited verifiers every 3 years)
Conflict of Interest Assessments submitted via Cal e-GGRT (Instructions (PDF) )
Information for Reporting Entities
Reporting entities are required to have their GHG emissions data reports verified each year by an CARB-accredited verification body, beginning in 2010 for 2009 emissions. The third-party verification requirements and deadline are specified in section 95103(f) of the reporting regulation. Beginning with 2017 data verified in 2018, the verification deadline is August 10th. Only CARB-accredited verification bodies and verifier (Excel) may provide verification services to reporting entities.
On April 24, 2013, CARB presented the Tips for a Successful Verification (PDF) webinar to emissions data reporters.