Speciation Profiles - Light-duty fleet composite organic gas emission profiles derived from ARB in-use surveillance data
Reference Number 58 - Light-duty fleet composite organic gas emission profiles derived from ARB in-use surveillance data
This report covers the data for 1994 testing and the methodology was then applied to 1996 test data. Profiles from the 1996 testing were used for the MTBE fuel and were also used as part of the basis for constructing the organic gas profiles for EtOH (ethanol) 2% O (oxygenate) gasolines.
The methane fraction in catalyst exhaust was clearly seen to increase as exhaust THC decreased. This relationship, as seen in the MTBE gasolines, was also used to project yearly methane fractions for ethanol gasolines. All other exhaust compounds are renormalized. Organic gas profiles for all other emission categories vary only with fuel composition.
The 1996 test data, from which the MTBE and EtOH containing fuel profiles were derived (via the adjustments in 'ogexh04.doc') are shown in the documents, below (note, especially, Attachment A2):
Attachment A1 - Peer Review of Organic Gas Emission Profiles
Attachment A2 - Tables of Organic Gas Emission Profiles
Attachment A3 - Tables of Organic Gas Profiles from Emission Testing