Petroleum refineries are the largest users of natural gas and electricity in the State of California. In addition to a high level of energy consumption, California is the third largest refiner of crude oil in the nation, with 21 refineries located primarily in the San Francisco, San Joaquin, and Los Angeles regions.
The GHG emissions from refineries in the state include emissions from hydrogen production. Improving energy efficiency will reduce GHG emissions by reducing fossil fuel consumption across a number of refinery processes. The GHG sources that could be considered include, but are not limited to, flares, process heaters, boilers, and fluid catalytic crackers. Potential efficiency improvements may be realized by replacing and/or retrofitting the existing equipment.
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Archived Meetings
In October 2007, CARB approved 44 early action measures to reduce GHG emissions from various sectors, including four early action measures from the oil and gas/refining sector which includes Reduction of Venting/Leaks from Oil and Gas/Refining Systems. Included on the webpage will be workshop/meeting notices, important documents, webcast link, location, time and all other pertinent information regarding the early action measure.
Date | Location | Description & Materials |
September 9, 2008 9:30 a.m. - 12:20 p.m. | Byron Sher Auditorium | Public Workshop to discuss concepts for reducing greenhouse gases from the petroleum refinery sector.
April 11, 2008 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. | Byron Sher Auditorium CalEPA Headquarters Building 1001 I Street, Second Floor Sacramento, CA 95814 | First public workshop to discuss concepts for reducing greenhouse gases from the oil and gas production, transmission, and refinery sector. |