Gasoline Predictive Models and Procedures
The California Predictive Model spreadsheets are used to comply with the California reformulated gasoline (CaRFG) regulations. The 2007 amendments to the Phase 3 California Reformulated Gasoline Regulations (CaRFG3), including the CaRFG3 Predictive Model, were implemented on December 31, 2009.
The links below contain the spreadsheets for the Phase 2 and Phase 3 Predictive Models, and the supporting documents. The supporting documents show the equations that constitute the Phase 2 and Phase 3 models, the method of using the predictive models, and the equivalency criteria used in approving complying gasoline.
CARB uses an electronic reporting system in which the producers and importers submit electronically to CARB the properties of the CaRFG3 Predictive Model formulations they intend to produce. The Predictive Model spreadsheets used by the producers and importers have been revised to include the forms needed by the producers and importers to report electronically. The forms attached to the spreadsheets are filled out by the producers or importers and e-mailed to the CARB Enforcement Division. For producers please see the California Reformulated Gasoline Electronic Reporting Users's Guide for Producers and for importers please see the California Reformulated Gasoline Electronic Reporting Users's Guide for Importers in the links below.
The spreadsheets for CaRFG3 are categorized for producers, importers, and small refineries.
CaRFG3 Predictive Model
Predictive Model and CARBOB Predictive Model Users's Guides
- California Procedures for Evaluating Alternative Specifications for Phase 3 Reformulated Gasoline Using the California Predictive Model
- Procedures for Using the California Model for California Reformulated Gasoline Blendstocks for Oxygenate Blending (CARBOB)
- California Reformulated Gasoline Electronic Reporting Users's Guide for Producers
- California Reformulated Gasoline Electronic Reporting Users's Guide for Importers
Predictive Model Spreadsheets (last updated November 6, 2015)
CARBOB Predictive Model Spreadsheet | Producers | Importers | Small Refinery |
Final Product Predictive Model Spreadsheet | Producers | Importers | Small Refinery |
Predictive Model Database
Updated California Reformulated Gasoline Predictive Model Database (May 4, 2006)
CaRFG2 Predictive Model
- California Procedures for Evaluating Alternative Specifications for Phase 2 Reformulated Gasoline Using the California Predictive Model
- The Phase 2 Averaging Limit Spreadsheet - To Be Used if the Predictive Mode l Formulation Contains At Least One Fuel Property Produced to a Predictive Model Averaging Limit
- The Phase 2 Flat Limit Spreadsheet - To Be Used if All Fuel Property Values of the Phase 2 Predictive Model Formulation are Produced to Predictive Model Flat Limits
Motor Vehicle Emission Testing Option
- California Procedures for Evaluating Alternative Specifications for Gasoline Using Vehicle Emissions Testing (Amended April 25, 2001)