California cities and counties continue to demonstrate state, national, and international leadership in addressing climate change. This report documents the status of climate action planning in California communities as of 2018 as specifically documented in climate action plans (CAP). CAPs are not required in California, but various state laws incentivize their use. Of California's 482 cities, 181 have CAPs and of the 58 counties, 21 have CAPs. This covers 64% of the population of California. These CAPs account for 283 million metric tons of CO2e, or about 63% of California's total 2010 emissions.
This report is based on data from the California Climate Action Plan Database (CAP database). The CAP database is maintained by Dr. Michael R. Boswell and Dr. Adrienne I. Greve of the City & Regional Planning Department at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo.