2011 Progress Report on Implementation of PM2.5 State Implementation Plans (SIP) for the South Coast and San Joaquin Vally Air Basins and Proposed SIP Revision
On April 28, 2011, ARB approved a progress report and proposed revisions to the California SIP for submittal to the U.S. EPA. ARB’s proposed PM2.5 SIP revisions are limited to an updated calendar of ARB rulemaking, adjustments to transportation conformity budgets, and revisions to reasonable further progress tables and associated reductions for contingency purposes for the South Coast and the San Joaquin Valley. The proposed Board action also includes approval for submittal to U.S. EPA of revisions to the PM2.5 and ozone SIP for the South Coast Air Basin and Coachella Valley adopted by the South Coast Air Quality Management District on March 4, 2011.