This plan identifies the clean air strategies needed to bring the Valley into attainment with the federal 1-hour ozone standard by 2010. It builds on already adopted controls and the strategies in the Valley's 2003 SIP for inhalable particulate matter (PM10), then adds new Ozone SIP commitments that provide the last increment of reductions to meet the 1-hour standard.
The San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District (District) released the 2004 State Implementation Plan (SIP) for Ozone in the San Joaquin Valley on September 10, 2004 and adopted it at a hearing on October 8, 2004. CARB approved the 2004 Ozone SIP at a public meeting on October 28, 2004, and submitted it to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) for federal approval on November 15, 2004.