Request for Application(RFA)Submitted Comments
The Community Air Grant process begins with release of a draft Request for Applications (RFA). The draft RFA is finalized after a two-month period of Engagement; this time is used to collect public comments that are considered in the drafting of the final RFA. Once the final RFA is released, applicants have 90 days to submit an application. CARB staff reviews all applications based on legal requirements and the criteria described in the RFA.
Comments received will be continuously updated until August 25,2024.
Robert Spiegel, Vice President, Government Relations California Manufacturers Technology Association 6.18.24
Dr. Anissa Cessa Heard-Johnson, Deputy Executive Officer South Coast Air Quality Management District 8.23.24
Sandy Karinen, Davis, Ca Community Resident 8.24.24
Robert Spiegel, Vice President, Government Relations California Manufacturers Technology Association 8.27.24