State Area Designation Statutory Requirements
Health &Safety Code (H&SC) 39607(e) requires CARB to establish and periodically review criteria for designating areas as attainment or nonattainment for the State standards. The current criteria are in the California Code of Regulations (CCR), title 17, sections 70300 through 70306, and appendices 1 through 3.
H&SC 39608 requires CARB to use the designation criteria to designate areas of California as attainment, nonattainment, or unclassified for the State standards and to conduct an annual review of the designations, updating them as warranted. H&SC 40925.5 provides for the redesignation of a nonattainment area as nonattainment-transitional by operation of law. The current designations are in the CCR, title 17, sections 60200 through 60210.
H&SC 40718 requires CARB to publish maps showing the areas with one or more violations of any State or national standard. These maps are found in the annual State area designation staff reports as well as on the CARB website.