RMP: Businesses with Refrigeration Systems
Affected Facilities and Systems
Any facility with a stationary refrigeration system containing over 50 pounds of high-GWP refrigerant is subject to duties under the Refrigerant Management Program (RMP). These duties vary by Facility Category and System Category as detailed below.
Facility Category
The RMP categorizes facilities by the full refrigerant charge (not the operating charge) of the largest system in the given facility, as shown in the table below.
Facility category | Full charge of largest system (weight of high-GWP refrigerant contained) |
Large | 2000 pounds and above |
Medium | 200 pounds and above to under 2000 pounds |
Small | Over 50 pounds to under 200 pounds |
Since the program’s requirements for a given facility varies by facility category, it is important to confirm the full refrigerant charge of the largest system.
Full charge weight of a system can be determined by checking the equipment plate, reviewing the service records, contacting your service provider or manufacturer, or using a charge calculator to calculate the charge from the size components in the system.
System Category
The RMP categorizes each refrigeration system containing more than 50 pounds of high-GWP refrigerant by the refrigerant full charge weight, using the same criteria as for facility categorization shown above.
System category | Full charge of system (weight of high-GWP refrigerant contained) |
Large | 2000 pounds and above |
Medium | 200 to under 2000 pounds |
Small | Over 50 to under 200 pounds |
NOTE: All systems, including those containing 50 pounds and less ("sub-small systems"), are subject to the Required Service Practices for Stationary High-GWP Appliances (§ 95390).
NOTE (for South Coast area): Although stationary air conditioning systems are not registered with the RMP, they are subject to Rule 1415 when located in the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD). Please find your Air District to determine if you are within the South Coast Air Quality Management District
Requirements for RMP-Regulated Facilities
Registration & Reporting
The owning/operator and each RMP-regulated facility must be registered. A fee of $170 is required for each Medium facility; a fee of $370 is required for each Large facility. There is no fee for Small facilities.
All Medium and Large facilities must submit an Annual Report. Small facilities are not required to submit an Annual Report.
Online Registration & Reporting Tool
Leak Inspection
RMP-regulated systems must be regularly inspected for leaks (§ 95385).
The frequency of inspection for each system varies by the size category of the system.
System category | Leak Inspection Frequency |
Large |
Medium |
Small |
NOTE: Monitoring requirements for Large systems: Install an automatic leak detection system by Jan. 1, 2012 if the refrigerant circuit, compressor, evaporator, condenser or other component with a high potential for leakage is fully enclosed within a building or structure.
A video overview shows how to conduct a basic leak inspection.
Leak Repair
- Fix all leaks within 14 days of detection
- Refer to special repair provisions if leaks cannot be fixed within 14 days (§ 95386).
- Check system for leaks after repair
- Use only U.S. EPA-certified technicians
- If leak repair fails, a Retrofit and Retirement Plan is required (§ 95387) unless an exemption is granted (§ 95397).
Keep all service records on site for at least 5 years for each refrigeration unit, including those concerning:
- Leak inspections
- Installation, calibration and annual audits of leak detection systems.
- Refrigerant purchases
- Shipment of refrigerants for reclamation or destruction
- Calculations, data and assumptions used to determine the refrigerant capacity.
- Retrofit or Retirement Plans