Vendor Device Certification
The following information is for On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) device vendors pursuing the California Air Resources Board (CARB) certification to participate in the Clean Truck Check.
The OBD testing device certification establishes the process that OBD device vendors must go through to demonstrate that their devices meet the requirements of the Regulation. Upon successful demonstration, CARB will issue the vendor an Executive Order (EO) allowing for sale and use of the device within the program.
Regulatory Documents
- California Standards for Heavy-Duty On-Board Diagnostic Devices contains vendor device certification requirements.
- Final Regulation Order contains the full regulation requiring periodic vehicle emissions testing and reporting on nearly all heavy-duty vehicles operating in California.
Application Process
- CARB staff releases a Vendor Guidance Package during the first quarter of each calendar year to assist device vendors in preparing test plans and certification applications for the annual open application submission window each June.
- Device vendors should send their test plans to CARB for approval before the open application window so that they may begin preparing initial validation test files for submission with their certification applications. The Vendor Guidance Package provides instructions for preparing and submitting the Test Plan to CARB for approval.
- The 2024 open application window was from June 1 through June 30, 2024, and is now closed. The 2025 open application period is scheduled for June 1 through June 30, 2025.
- Once CARB approves vendors’ application packages with all required initial validation test files, vendors are assigned a CARB engineer to work directly with to complete certification.
- The certification process, which includes vendor field testing on actual vehicles, is a highly iterative process and typically takes many months to complete.
- Vendors interested in learning more about Clean Truck Check OBD test device certification now may request the previous Vendor Guidance Package by emailing CARB at and using “Interested Vendor, Device Certification Inquiry” in the subject line.