ARBER Company Help
Information submitted must be true, accurate, and complete. Within 30 days of a change in ownership or compliance status, the new information must be entered in the ARBER system. This includes updates to the company profile and primary contact information. Failure to report updates or submittal of false information is a violation of State law subject to civil and criminal penalties.
All fields with an asterisk (*) are required fields.
User Profile Information
See the ARBER User Help page for assistance with fields in this section.
Company Profile Information
Select at least one program. This selection will determine what type of equipment your company can register.
You can modify this at any time by clicking on the Edit button near the top right of your company's home page.
Company/Business Name*
Enter the name of your company or business. This name must be unique.
Tax Identification Number*
Enter your tax identification number in one of the following formats. In all formats, 9 is a number, A is a letter, and X is a number or a letter.
- U.S. Employer Identification Number (EIN): 99-9999999
- Canadian Business Number (BN): BN-999999999
- Mexican Registro Federal de Contribuyentes (RFC): AAA999999AAX
If you do not have an EIN, it can be obtained online at the IRS website. Each tax identification number may only be associated with one company.
Motor Carrier (US DOT) Number
Enter your CA Motor Carrier number; if you do not have a CA Motor Carrier number, enter your US DOT number.
Mailing Address
ARBER uses address validation software to verify the address you enter against the U.S. Postal Service database. In all likelihood, this software will slightly alter your address to match the database. Ensure that the address returned is your address. If you have problems with the address returned by the database, please contact the ARBER Help Line (see below).
Mailing Address Line 1*
Enter the street address for your company.
Mailing Address Line 2
Enter any suite numbers, apartment numbers, or postal or mail box numbers for your company.
Enter the city where your company is located.
Zip Code*
Enter the zip code where your company is located.
Select the country where your company is located from the drop down list.
Select the state or province where your company is located from the drop down list.
Responsible Party/Primary Contact
Select the salutation of your company's primary contact person.
First Name*
Enter the first name of your company's primary contact person.
Last Name*
Enter the last name of your company's primary contact person.
Enter the title of your company's primary contact person.
Email Address*
Enter the email of your company's primary contact person.
Enter the telephone number of your company's primary contact person.
Enter the extension of your company's primary contact person, if applicable.
Enter the fax number of your company's primary contact person, if applicable.
If you have any further questions, please contact the ARBER Help Line.
Phone: 888-878-2826