Mandatory GHG Reporting - Online Reporting Tool
California Electronic Greenhouse Gas Reporting Tool
The California Electronic Greenhouse Gas Reporting Tool, or Cal e-GGRT, must be used for submitting GHG data reports.
Cal e-GGRT is available for reporting required GHG data.
For assistance contact the GHG Reporting Help Desk. Cal e-GGRT Help, instructions, spreadsheets, and other information.
Archived Cal e-GGRT Training Sessions
These training sessions were provided during 2012 and are still generally applicable for current reporting. Also see the posted regulation guidance and training resources.
Registration and System Overview
A brief overview of registration in the new Cal e-GGRT system and overall system operation
Slides: 1-per-page (color) or 4-per-page (B&W)
Detailed Registration Instructions
Abbreviated Reporting: Requirements and Guidance
Requirements and Cal e-GGRT tool use for facility operators using the Abbreviated Reporting provisions
Slides: 1-per-page (color) or 4-per-page
Subparts C & D
Stationary Fuel Combustion Sources and Electricity Generation and Cogeneration Units
Slides: 1-per-page (color) or 4-per-page (B&W)
Electric Power Entities, Section 95111
Electric Power Entity Reporting of Imports and Exports
Slides: Using Cal e-GGRT 1-per page (color) or 4-per-page (B&W)
Reg. Requirements 1-per page (color) or 4-per-page (B&W)
Subpart W Reporting - Revised Reporting Template
Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems
Slides: 1-per-page (color) or 4-per-page (B&W)
Subparts NN, PP, MM, P
Fuel Suppliers and Hydrogen Producers
Slides: 1-per-page (color) or 4-per-page (B&W)
Subparts H, N, Q, S, V, AA
Facilities with Process Emissions (cement, glass, paper, nitric acid, lime, iron and steel)
Slides: 1-per-page (color) or 4-per-page (B&W)
Subpart Y
Petroleum Refineries
Slides: 1-per-page (color) or 4-per-page (B&W)
GHGs from Gas-Insulated Equipment (formerly SF6 from Switchgear) Reporting Using Cal e-GGRT
Reporting for GHGs from Gas-Insulated Equipment (not part of GHG Mandatory Reporting)
Reporting Instructions
U.S. EPA e-GGRT Training
The Cal e-GGRT reporting framework and “look and feel” is similar to the U.S. EPA e-GGRT system. For this reason the more detailed U.S. EPA training materials for specific reporting sectors are helpful for using the Cal e-GGRT system. Also see the ARB Reporting Guidance documents.
Cal e-GGRT includes numerous additions to support cap-and-trade, verification, and other ARB programs. Because of the differences between ARB and U.S. EPA reporting requirements, data submitted to U.S. EPA will not meet ARB reporting requirements. Therefore, separate reporting to Cal e-GGRT is required. Also, additional data elements provided in Cal e-GGRT must be completed.
The previous CARB reporting tool will remain active for generating reports and approved data revisions, but it will no longer accept new data. All data from 2011 onward will be reported via Cal e-GGRT.
For questions regarding Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting or Cal e-GGRT, contact the Sector Contact or the GHG Reporting Help Desk.