LCFS Pathway Certified Carbon Intensities
The alternative fuel's carbon intensity (CI) value is divided by its Energy Economy Ratio (EER) in order to obtain the EER-adjusted CI value, representing the emissions that occur from the use of alternative fuel per MJ of conventional fuel displaced.
The graph below shows the ranges of CI for each type of fuel compared to the two baseline fuels (gasoline and diesel). Each marker represents an individual certified fuel pathway CI, adjusted by the EER. The length of each bar indicates the range of carbon intensity that may be achieved by a fuel pathway. The wide range of carbon intensities is due to the life cycle emissions methodology of the LCFS, variations in feedstock types, origin, raw material production processing efficiencies, and transportation, all of which contribute to an individual producer’s fuel pathway CI. All valid CI values shown are certified including legacy, Tier 1, Tier 2 and Lookup Table pathways.
Certified Fuel Pathway Table
The Current Fuel Pathways spreadsheet contains a list of certified pathways by feedstock, fuel, classification, and facility name. These include:
- Lookup Table, Tier 1, and Tier 2 fuel pathways using the CA-GREET3.0 model.
- Applications certified using the older generation CA-GREET2.0 model.
- Pathways certified under initial validation and subsequent annual verification.
To view the Substitute Pathways and Default Blend Levels for LCFS Reporting for Specific Fuel Transaction Types, visit Substitute Pathway Table.
Pathways for Public Comments
Section 95488.7(d) of the LCFS Regulation requires that Tier 2 applications be posted for public comments before they can be certified by the CARB Executive Officer. Such pathways will be posted for public comments for a period of ten business days. At the end of the comment period, staff will review posted comments and if deemed substantive, request a formal response from the applicant. If the response from the applicant is deemed adequate, staff will recommend certifying the pathway. If deemed inadequate, the pathway application will be denied and the applicant may submit a new application for future consideration. In addition, section 95488.5(d) of the LCFS Regulation provides for an annual update to Lookup Table pathways for electricity. The CA-GREET3.0 model inputs and data sources used to calculate the annual update to the CA Average Grid Electricity CI will be posted for 45 days for public comment prior to certification. Public comments, applicant responses, and staff recommendations will be available on this webpage: