Potential Amendments to Part 1065
Small Off-Road Engine
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Potential Amendments to the California Exhaust Emission Standards and Test Procedures for New 2013 and Later Small Off-Road Engines; Engine-Testing Procedures (Part 1065) as of March 24, 2021.
This page consists of material released as part of the development process for the Proposed Amendments to the Small Off-Road Engine (SORE) Regulations.
For the Proposed Amendments and other rulemaking documents that the Board will consider for adoption during the public hearing in December 2021, please refer to the SORE rulemaking page.
(Note: The potential amendments are shown in underline to indicate additions and strikeout to indicate deletions from the existing regulatory text.)
- Potential Amendments to Subpart A
- Potential Amendments to Subpart B
- Potential Amendments to Subpart C
- Potential Amendments to Subpart D
- Potential Amendments to Subpart E
- Potential Amendments to Subpart F
- Potential Amendments to Subpart G
- Potential Amendments to Subpart H
- Potential Amendments to Subpart I
- Potential Amendments to Subpart J
- Potential Amendments to Subpart K