Madera County Transportation Commission (MCTC)
Metropolitan Planning Organization for Madera County
Madera County Transportation Commission (MCTC), the federally-designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for Madera County, is located in California’s San Joaquin Valley. MCTC is the transportation planning agency responsible for developing and implementing the long-range regional transportation plan, known as the Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (RTP/SCS).
The 2014 RTP/SCS projected that the region would not, if implemented, achieve either the 2020 or 2035 GHG emissions reduction targets. Because the 2014 RTP/SCS would not achieve the 2020 or 2035 targets, the plan would not qualify as an SCS under SB 375. For this reason, MCTC initiated a reevaluation of the 2014 SCS, which resulted in an amendment to their SCS (Amended SCS), adopted in 2017.
The Amended SCS builds off the Madera County Blueprint Report which prioritizes preservation of environmental and agricultural land and development in urban centers with connections to transportation corridors. The land use strategy of the SCS focuses on efforts within local jurisdictions to increase connectivity and the mix of land uses that will help provide more housing choices for residents and decrease travel distances to destinations. The Amended SCS also includes increased investments in public transportation projects, as well as non-motorized transportation options that aim to meet the needs of residents. Additionally, continued investment in vanpools and rideshare will continue to be an effective alternative to single occupant vehicle travel for some residents.
2018 RTP/SCS
- CARB staff's technical evaluation of the Madera County Transportation Commission (MCTC) Final Sustainable Communities Strategy (Oct. 2020)
- CARB Executive Order accepting MCTC's determination that the SCS Amendment would meet the region's GHG emissions reduction targets (Oct. 2020)
- 2018-2042 Regional Transportation Plan & Sustainable Communities Strategy, adopted September 19, 2018
2014 RTP/SCS (Amended)
- CARB staff's technical evaluation of the Madera County Transportation Commission (MCTC) Final Sustainable Communities Strategy (Feb. 2018)
- 2014-2040 Regional Transportation Plan & Sustainable Communities Strategy, adopted July 23, 2014 and SCS Amendment, adopted June 21, 2017
- ARB Executive Order accepting MCTC's determination that the SCS Amendment would meet the region's GHG emissions reduction targets (Feb. 2018)