Butte County Association of Governments (BCAG)
Metropolitan Planning Organization for Butte County
Butte County Association of Governments (BCAG), located in Northern Central California, is the federally-designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the Butte County, four-city metropolitan region and the transportation planning agency responsible for developing and implementing the long-range regional transportation plan, known as the Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (RTP/SCS).
The 2016 RTP/SCS specifies the policies, projects, and programs necessary to maintain, manage, and improve the region’s transportation system. The 2016 RTP/SCS covers the 24-year period between 2016 and 2040. BCAG’s 2016 RTP/SCS maintains the same set of land use and transportation strategies adopted in their previous 2012 RTP/SCS, carrying over the “Balanced” land use scenario. The “Balanced” scenario brings together local general plan update efforts, the regional blueprint, and habitat conservation planning in a way that balances the distribution of new growth across central, established, and new growth areas in the region, and incorporates infill and redevelopment strategies.
2016 RTP/SCS
- CARB staff's technical evaluation of the Butte County Association of Governments' (BCAG) Final Sustainable Communities Strategy (May 2017)
- CARB Resolution accepting BCAG's determination that the Final SCS would meet the region's GHG emissions reduction targets (May 2017)
- Regional Transportation Plan, adopted Dec. 2016
Past evaluations are available on request, please email sustainablecommunities@arb.ca.gov