Small Containers of Automotive Refrigerant - Archives & References
Small Containers of Automotive Refrigerant Reporting
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CARB Publication and Presentations
- Tao Zhan et al., (2014). Inventory and Mitigation Opportunities for HFC-134a Emissions from Nonprofessional Automotive Service. Atmospheric Environment, 99, 17-23. Link
- Tao Zhan et al., (2013). Determining Rate of Refrigerant Emissions from Nonprofessional Automotive Service through a Southern California Field Study. Atmospheric Environment, 79, 362-368. Link
- Arnaud Tremoulet et al., (December, 2008). Evaluation of the Potential Impact of Emissions of HFC-134a from Nonprofessional Servicing of Motor Vehicle Air Conditioning Systems. ARB Sponsored Study Final Report; Annexes
- Tao Zhan et al., (2008). California's Emissions of High-GWP GHGs and Approaches for Improved Inventory and Verification. 5th Annual California Climate Change Research Conference, September 8-10, 2008, Sacramento, CA. Presentation
- Tao Zhan et al., (2008). Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Abatement Opportunities in Do-it-Yourself Recharging of Leaky Motor Vehicle Air Conditioning Systems in California. 9th SAE Automotive Alternate Refrigerant Systems Symposium, June 10-12, 2008, Scottsdale, AZ. Presentation
- Alberto Ayala et al., (2007). Status Update - Proposed HFC Reduction Measures for California. 8th SAE Automotive Alternate Refrigerant Systems Symposium, June 17-19, 2007, Scottsdale, AZ. Presentation
- Steve Church et al., (2006). CO2 Emission Quantification from Vehicle Air Conditioning Operation in California-Specific Conditions. 7th SAE Automotive Alternate Refrigerant Systems Symposium, June 27-29, 2006. Presentation
- Richard Vincent et al., New Proposed HFC Reduction Measures for California. 7th SAE Automotive Alternate Refrigerant Systems Symposium, June 27-29, 2006. Presentation
Other References
- Frost & Sullivan, (September, 2006). U.S. Consumer Buying Behaviors of R-134a Refrigerant for Light Vehicle Applications. Automotive Refrigeration Products Institute (ARPI) Sponsored Study Report on Purchase Behaviors; ARPI Sponsored Study Report on Product Usage
- Perrin Quarles Associates, Inc., (March 21, 2007). Disposable Container Heel Testing Study Report. US EPA Sponsored Study Final Report
- Improved Mobile Air Conditioning (I-MAC) Fourth Team, (June, 2007). Reducing Refrigerant Emissions at Service and Vehicle End of Life. I-MAC Cooperative Research Project Fourth Team (Service and End-of-life Team) Final Report
- Zhan, T., Potts, W., Collins, J. F., Austin, J. "Inventory and mitigation opportunities for HFC-134a emissions from nonprofessional automotive service." Atmospheric Environment (2014).
- "Determining rate of refrigerant emissions from nonprofessional automotive service through a southern California field study." Atmospheric Environment 79 (2013): 362-368.