Design and Development of an Instrument for Toxic-Metal Aerosol Real-Time Analysis (TARTA)
Principal Investigator/Author: Anthony Wexler
Contractor: University of California, Davis
Contract Number: 17RD022
Project Status: Completed
Relevant CARB Programs: Health & Exposure, Research Planning, Toxic Air Contaminants, Health Effects of Air Pollution, Community Health
Topic Areas: Environmental Justice, People at Risk, Non-Exhaust Emissions, Zero-Emission Vehicles (ZEVs), Racial Equity, Health Risk Assessment
Research Summary:
The objective of this project is to sponsor the development of an instrument capable of portable, real-time screening technology to detect ambient concentrations of toxic metals that may drive health risk concerns. Although technologies to screen for toxic compounds, such as benzene, toluene, and many criteria pollutants, are available, the same level of efficacy for community monitoring is not available for toxic metals. Deploying portable devices that can monitor for toxic metals in real time will help CARB, Air Quality Management Districts, and communities to determine the source of these metals and develop strategies to reduce their emissions. The current state of toxic metals measurement does not encompass the capabilities outlined in this research. Examples of the need for such a device are found in the investigation of chromium in the Paramount area of Los Angeles and the airborne lead emissions from the now-closed Exide battery recycling facility in Vernon, California. The goals of this research project coincide with the interests of the air districts and other research entities, such as SCAQMD, the Environmental Defense Fund, and local neighborhood public interest groups.
Keywords: metals; emissions; toxic metals; industry emissions; vehicles; zinc; copper; vanadium; environmental justice; near road; neighborhood toxic metals
Final Report & Dataset: Please email to request the final report and dataset generated by this research contract.
Related Links:
- TARTA in action - from prototype to neighborhood air pollution diagnosis.