Comments Received - Criteria and Toxics Emissions Reporting Regulation
CTR Workshop and Rulemaking Comments Received
This page includes comments received as part of CARB's development of the Regulation for the Reporting of Criteria Air Pollutants and Toxic Air Contaminants, or CTR.
Note that comments received are available to the public and posted on CARB webpages.
2020 Rulemaking - Comments Received on Proposed CTR Amendments
Questions and comments received during the 2020 rulemaking process for amendments to CTR.
- February 11, 2021: Comments received during the EICG-CTR joint webinar to discuss proposed 15-day modifications
- September 30, 2020: Comments received during the EICG-CTR joint webinar
Informal Comments* Submitted Following Public Workshops held during February 2020
# | Company | Received From | Comment Period | Date | Attachments |
1 | American Coatings Association | David Darling | Workshop | March 6, 2020 | Attachment |
2 | Bay Area Air Quality Management District | Song Bai | Workshop | March 5, 2020 | Attachment |
3 | California Association of Sanitation Agencies | Sarah Deslauriers | Workshop | March 6, 2020 | Attachment |
4 | California Council for Environmental and Economic Balance | Janet Whittick | Workshop | March 6, 2020 | Attachment |
5 | California Farm Bureau Federation and Other Signatories | Noelle Cremers | Workshop | March 5, 2020 | Attachment |
6 | Ecotek | Natasha Meskal | Workshop | March 6, 2020 | Attachment |
7 | Eastern Municipal Water District | Alfred Javier | Workshop | March 6, 2020 | Attachment |
8 | Industrial Environmental Association | Jack Monger | Workshop | March 4, 2020 | Attachment |
9 | Inland Empire Utilities Agency | Shivaji Deshmukh | Workshop | March 6, 2020 | Attachment |
10 | Los Angeles Department of Water and Power | Katherine Rubin | Workshop | March 6, 2020 | Attachment |
11 | Metropolitan Water District of Southern California | Daniel Guillory | Workshop | March 6, 2020 | Attachment |
12 | Pacific Gas and Electric Company | Fariya Ali | Workshop | March 6, 2020 | Attachment |
13 | Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District | Amy Roberts | Workshop | March 6, 2020 | Attachment |
14 | Southern California Alliance of Publicly Owned Treatment Works | Steve Jepsen | Workshop | March 5, 2020 | Attachment |
15 | South Coast Air Quality Management District | Philip Fine | Workshop | March 10, 2020 | Attachment |
16 | University of California | Barton Lounbury | Workshop | March 6, 2020 | Attachment |
17 | Western States Petroleum Association | Tiffany Roberts | Workshop | March 19, 2020 | Attachment |
* Informal Comments are not included or submitted as part of the formal rulemaking docket for the regulation, but are considered and evaluated in developing the proposed amendments to the regulation.
2018 Rulemaking Archive - Comments Received
Comments received during the 2018-2019 CTR rulemaking process for the original regulation.
Formal Comments Submitted on the 2018 Original Proposal, and the First and Second Proposed Modifications
"Informal" Comments Submitted Following Proposed 15-Day Changes Workshops, March 2019
Following the CARB Board meeting, staff was directed to revise the regulation under a 15-day revisions process. To seek input on the proposed updates, staff held a series of workshops during March 2019, sharing and summarizing the updated text, and requesting comments on the revisions by March 29, 2019. The informal comments (i.e., not included in formal rulemaking package) received to-date are provided below.
# | Company | Received From | Comment Period | Date | Attachments |
1 | Coalition for Clean Air | Bill Magavern | 15-Day Workshop | February 5, 2019 | Attachment |
2 | Amy Kyle | Amy Kyle | 15-Day Workshop | March 11, 2019 | Attachment |
3 | Mike Sanders | Michael Sanders | 15-Day Workshop | March 13, 2019 | Attachment |
4 | Central Valley Business Federation | Darius Assemi | 15-Day Workshop | March 14, 2019 | Attachment |
5 | Mission Linen Supply | Mark Saposnik | 15-Day Workshop | March 15, 2019 | Attachment |
6 | Northern Sierra Air Quality Management District | Gretchen Bennitt | 15-Day Workshop | March 11, 2019 | Attachment |
7 | Syar Industries | Tom Ferrell | 15-Day Workshop | March 21, 2019 | Attachment |
8 | California Safe Soil | Daniel Morash | 15-Day Workshop | March 21, 2019 | Attachment |
9 | Vereschagin Farms | Mike Vereschagin | 15-Day Workshop | March 23, 2019 | Attachment |
10 | White's Sierra Station | Andy | 15-Day Workshop | March 25, 2019 | Attachment |
11 | Kathleen Adams | Kathleen Adams | 15-Day Workshop | March 23, 2019 | Attachment |
12 | Mojave Desert Air Quality Management District | Brad Poiriez | 15-Day Workshop | March 4, 2019 | Attachment |
13 | California Safe Schools | Robina Suwol | 15-Day Workshop | March 25, 2019 | Attachment |
14 | Butte County Rice Growers Association | Carl Hoff | 15-Day Workshop | March 27, 2019 | Attachment |
15 to 55 | The attached comment letter was individually submitted by the following stakeholders: | Multiple, see Company | 15-Day Workshop | March 27- April 5, 2019 | Attachment |
56 | California Fuels & Convenience Alliance | Samuel Bayless | 15-Day Workshop | March 28, 2019 | Attachment |
57 | American Coatings Association | David Darling | 15-Day Workshop | March 28, 2019 | Attachment |
58 | Feather River Air Quality Management District | Christopher Brown | 15-Day Workshop | March 28, 2019 | Attachment |
59 | Butte County Air Quality Management District | James Wagoner | 15-Day Workshop | March 29, 2019 | Attachment |
60 | California Small Business Alliance | Bill LaMarr | 15-Day Workshop | March 29, 2019 | Attachment |
61 | Aera Energy | John Haley | 15-Day Workshop | March 29, 2019 | Attachment |
62 | Leadership Counsel for Justice and Accountability | Aidan Smith | 15-Day Workshop | March 29, 2019 | Attachment |
63 | Sempra Energy Utility | Tim Carmichael | 15-Day Workshop | March 29, 2019 | Attachment |
64 | California Association of Sanitation Agencies | Sarah Deslauriers | 15-Day Workshop | March 29, 2019 | Attachment |
65 | US Navy | Kathryn Ostapuk | 15-Day Workshop | March 29, 2019 | Attachment |
66 | California State University, Chico | J. Marvin Pratt | 15-Day Workshop | March 29, 2019 | Attachment |
67 | Ventura County Air Pollution Control District | Michael Villegas | 15-Day Workshop | March 29, 2019 | Attachment |
68 | Western States Petroleum Association | Tiffany Roberts | 15-Day Workshop | March 29, 2019 | Attachment |
69 | Pacific Gas and Electric | Fariya Ali | 15-Day Workshop | March 29, 2019 | Attachment |
70 | California Council for Environmental and Economic Balance | Janet Whittick | 15-Day Workshop | March 29, 2019 | Attachment |
71 | California League of Food Producers | John Larrea | 15-Day Workshop | March 29, 2019 | Attachment |
72 | United Pacific | Joseph Juliano | 15-Day Workshop | March 29, 2019 | Attachment |
73 | Amy Kyle | Amy Kyle | 15-Day Workshop | March 29, 2019 | Attachment |
74 | California Asphalt Pavement Association | Russell Snyder | 15-Day Workshop | March 4, 2019 | Attachment |
75 | California Construction and Industrial Materials Association | Adam Harper | 15-Day Workshop | March 29, 2019 | Attachment |
76 | South Coast Air Quality Management District | Phillip Fines | 15-Day Workshops | March 29, 2019 | Attachment |
77 | Northern Sonoma County Air Pollution Control District | Robert Bamford | 15-Day Workshops | March 29, 2019 | Attachment |
78 | Siemens Mobility | Kevin Olivero | 15-Day Workshops | April 1, 2019 | Attachment |
79 | Siemens Mobility | Allan Maurey | 15-Day Workshops | April 1, 2019 | Attachment |
80 | Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District | Amy Roberts | 15-Day Workshops | April 3, 2019 | Attachment |
81 | Los Angeles County Business Federation | Steve Bullock | 15-Day Workshops | April 20, 2019 | Attachment |
82 | Los Angeles Department of Water and Power | Mark J. Sedlacek | 15-Day Workshops | April 23, 2019 | Attachment |
83 | Valley Pacific Petroleum Services | Ed Ward | 15-Day Workshops | May 3, 2019 | Attachment |
Formal 45-Day Comments Submitted Prior to Board Meeting
Informal Comments Submitted Prior to CARB Board Meeting, December 2018
The following "informal" comments were submitted during the regulation development process, prior to the CARB Board meeting during December 2018.
# | Company | Received From | Comment Period | Date | Attachments |
1 | San Francisco Bay Area Physicians for Social Responsibility | Robert M. Gould | 1st Workshop | June 20, 2018 | Attachment |
2 | Industrial Environmental Association | Jack Monger | 1st Workshop | June 27, 2018 | Attachment |
3 | Coalition for Clean Air | Rocky Rushing | 1st Workshop | June 28, 2018 | Attachment |
4 | Feather River Air Quality Management District | Sondra Spaethe | 1st Workshop | June 28, 2018 | Attachment |
5 | Environmental Health Coalition | Joy Williams | 1st Workshop | June 29, 2018 | Attachment |
6 | Los Angeles Department of Water & Power | Mark J. Sedlacek | 1st Workshop | June 29, 2018 | Attachment |
7 | California Council for Environmental and Economic Balance | Bill Quinn and Janet Wittick | 1st Workshop | June 29, 2018 | Attachment |
8 | Western States Petroleum Association | Thomas A. Umenhofer | 1st Workshop | June 29, 2018 | Attachment |
9 | California League of Food Producers | John Larrea | 1st Workshop | June 29, 2018 | Attachment |
10 | Research Professor (retired), UC Berkekey | Amy D. Kyle | 1st Workshop | June 29, 2018 | Attachment |
11 | Ecotek | Natasha Meskal | 1st Workshop | June 29, 2018 | Attachment |
12 | Breast Cancer Prevention Partners and Environmental Defense Fund | Nancy Buermeyer and Irene Burga Márquez | 1st Workshop | July 5, 2018 | Attachment |
13 | Associates Environmental | Ricardo Flores | 2nd Workshop | August 20, 2018 | Attachment |
14 | Southern California Public Power Authority | Nicholas Blair | 2nd Workshop | August 23, 2018 | Attachment |
15 | California Citrus Mutual | Joel Nelson | 2nd Workshop | August 23, 2018 | Attachment |
16 | Signal Hill Petroleum | Shannon Smith | 2nd Workshop | August 23, 2018 | Attachment |
17 | California Council for Environmental and Economic Balance | Janet Whittick | 2nd Workshop | August 23, 2018 | Attachment |
18 | California Association of Sanitation Agencies | Sarah Deslauriers | 2nd Workshop | August 23, 2018 | Attachment |
19 | No Affiliation/Self | Mukasa Kezala | 2nd Workshop | August 23, 2018 | Attachment |
20 | Coalition for Clean Air | Bill Magavern | 2nd Workshop | August 23, 2018 | Attachment |
21 | Los Angeles Department of Water & Power | Mark J. Sedlacek | 2nd Workshop | August 23, 2018 | Attachment |
22 | Agricultural Council of California | Emily Rooney | 2nd Workshop | August 23, 2018 | Attachment |
23 | Western States Petroleum Association | Thomas A. Umenhofer | 2nd Workshop | August 23, 2018 | Attachment |
24 | Pacific Gas and Electric | Fariya Ali | 2nd Workshop | August 23, 2018 | Attachment |
25 | California Small Business Alliance | Bill La Marr | 2nd Workshop | August 23, 2018 | Attachment |
26 | Research Professor (retired), UC Berkeley | Amy D. Kyle | 2nd Workshop | August 23, 2018 | Attachment |
27 | Californians for Pesticide Reform | Sarah Aird | 2nd Workshop | August 24, 2018 | Attachment |
28 | Industrial Environmental Association | Jack Monger | 2nd Workshop | August 29, 2018 | Attachment |
29 | Kings County Citizens for a Healthy Environment | Alene Taylor | 2nd Workshop | August 31, 2018 | Attachment |