Board Member Report: October 9, 2023
Please see below for upcoming public events for the week of October 9, 2023.
Community Meeting on Senate Bill 596 (Becker): On October 11 via remote access, CARB will host a community meeting to hear an overview of Senate Bill (SB) 596 (Becker) and efforts made to decarbonize the cement sector. In September 2021, SB 596 (Becker) was signed requiring CARB to develop a comprehensive strategy for cement use in California in order to achieve net-zero greenhouse-gas (GHG) emissions by 2045. To meet this goal, California’s cement plants must implement projects to reduce GHG emissions associated with the manufacturing process. CARB staff will solicit questions and comments from the public regarding how communities surrounding cement plants are impacted.
Planning, Clean Mobility in Schools, and Sustainable Transportation Equity Project Question-and-Answer Session: On October 12 via remote access, CARB will host a question-and-answer session regarding the Full Phase of the Planning and Capacity Building, Clean Mobility in Schools, and the Sustainable Transportation Equity Project request for applications. This will be the first of two sessions where CARB staff will respond to applicant questions regarding eligibility requirements, application components, and the general application process.